Job interviews - extracting the Michael

I got run over before a job interview once. It didn't go well.

I've only had two interviews over the last year, and both times I got my ass kicked by the interviewers, who preferred a more "aggressive" approach
No one took notes you say?

Hmm, that's not very wise. You can claim discrimination at the interview stage, and if no one took notes, they are well and truly fucked.
I had one in Salford and whilst I was walking around this sort of office park/estate thing trying to find the right office in a load of un-numbered/addressed office blocks it started pissing down, suit pissed wet through(no coat), the main interviewer of the two barely even look at me properly when I went in, didn't shake my hand when I walked in the room and was a shite interviewer. Looked a bit scruffy and asked stupid pointless questions. Glad I didn't get it in the end, was shit pay for what they wanted!
A few years ago when the threat of redundancy came up in my old work place a group of us were told to reapply for our jobs, the best 5 would be kept and the rest would be given redundancy. Now, I wanted redundancy, but I had to be interviewed first and come 6th before they would give it to me. Unfortunately I knew that I was in the top 5, I had already been told that they wanted to keep me. Which was a bit of a pisser. So I hatched a plan.

I watched with glee as some of the other candidates turned up suited and booted (the interviews were held in my work place) as I continued to cover myself in as much dirt as possible. Soon it was my turn and I bound into the interview room with a look of manic glee on my face. I then gave the worst interview I had ever given. I answer questions with questions. I laughed loudly at the wrong pauses. I fidgeted. I looked out of the window. I refused to answer a question.

It went well. I even winked as I left the office.

2 hours later I was summoned to my senior managers office and asked what the fuck was going on. When I explained that redundancy suited me down to the ground thank you very much and 12 years money would be spent very wisely in the pub at lunchtimes he told me not to be such a fucking idiot and gave me the fucking job.

The bastard.
I went for a job once, was the mid 70's, the guy was in an office and his assistant told him I was outside. I sat there for 40 minutes. as he came out to ask me in I just said "no thanks" and walked out. job hunter or not I deserved respect.

the place closed down shortly after.
Well this might give you a laugh,
Years ago I went for a job at the old British Telecom, I sat the English test and the maths test and felt I had done pretty well then I went before three people for an interview and again I thought it went ok, the final thing they asked me was to wire up a bell with a battery and a bell push like you have on the front door and when you push the bell push the bell would ring. Simple you might think as I did ( I had served my apprenticeship as an instrument engineer). Anyway I don't know what happened as I had a complete mental block and pissed around trying to get the bell to ring, it either rang all the time very loudly or didn't work at all,I was getting more and more flustered and kept cocking it up, finally I wired it up so the insulation on the wires started to melt and the whole room was filled with acrid smelling smoke. One of the interviewers then put me out of my misery and said that they had seen enough as he rushed to disconnect the battery and open the window. I was embarrassed to fuck as I mumbled something inane and left with my tail between my legs.
As soon as I left the room It came to me of how I should have done it.
Surprisingly I never got the job.
dick slexia said:
Well this might give you a laugh,
Years ago I went for a job at the old British Telecom, I sat the English test and the maths test and felt I had done pretty well then I went before three people for an interview and again I thought it went ok, the final thing they asked me was to wire up a bell with a battery and a bell push like you have on the front door and when you push the bell push the bell would ring. Simple you might think as I did ( I had served my apprenticeship as an instrument engineer). Anyway I don't know what happened as I had a complete mental block and pissed around trying to get the bell to ring, it either rang all the time very loudly or didn't work at all,I was getting more and more flustered and kept cocking it up, finally I wired it up so the insulation on the wires started to melt and the whole room was filled with acrid smelling smoke. One of the interviewers then put me out of my misery and said that they had seen enough as he rushed to disconnect the battery and open the window. I was embarrassed to fuck as I mumbled something inane and left with my tail between my legs.
As soon as I left the room It came to me of how I should have done it.
Surprisingly I never got the job.
When l was 18 l had an interview at the petrol station on the Chester rd next to the swan. So l sit in his office and theirs a big scum team poster on the wall. The guys a complete dick making it sound like the most important job in the world and then he says how busy it is when the scum are at home. I couldn't help myself and said " well it will be with all them cockneys coming up for the game " l didn't get the job.
BimboBob said:
A few years ago when the threat of redundancy came up in my old work place a group of us were told to reapply for our jobs, the best 5 would be kept and the rest would be given redundancy. Now, I wanted redundancy, but I had to be interviewed first and come 6th before they would give it to me. Unfortunately I knew that I was in the top 5, I had already been told that they wanted to keep me. Which was a bit of a pisser. So I hatched a plan.

I watched with glee as some of the other candidates turned up suited and booted (the interviews were held in my work place) as I continued to cover myself in as much dirt as possible. Soon it was my turn and I bound into the interview room with a look of manic glee on my face. I then gave the worst interview I had ever given. I answer questions with questions. I laughed loudly at the wrong pauses. I fidgeted. I looked out of the window. I refused to answer a question.

It went well. I even winked as I left the office.

2 hours later I was summoned to my senior managers office and asked what the fuck was going on. When I explained that redundancy suited me down to the ground thank you very much and 12 years money would be spent very wisely in the pub at lunchtimes he told me not to be such a fucking idiot and gave me the fucking job.

The bastard.
So basically you're such a loser, that even when you actually try to fail, you don't even succeed?

Failing's easy - you just tried too hard :-)
As soon as you mentioned the word panel........
Most outdated useless waste of people's time
Winds me up beyond belief, can't believe in this day and age these prehistoric selection methods still exist grrrrrr

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