Lying police

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Newlunar said:
The thing is, you did make unsubstantiated claims. (And I'm paraphrasing you here so please excuse any minor discrepancies) You brought it into the public forum by stating that the police are corrupt, because they stitched your uncle up who's no saint, by getting him sent down for 12 years. I asked you to substantiate that with facts. It's post judicial so what's the problem? Is there a campaign for justice? Post a link and I might even support it.
I can assure you that I'm far from obsessed with that, it's merely something I picked up on.
Now, I started by stating that in my opinion (obviously) in 5 - 10 years police officers will be graduates. The reason I said that is because of what I outlined. The jobs market is shrinking. Thousands of people want to join the police, people in all walks of life are going to have to pay for their own qualifications. That's the way it is going. In 5 years I'll happily say I was off the mark.
The reason I said that loads (not all, not the majority) of police officers have degrees is because I know a few who went into the police following University, added to that, I would imagine many senior officers have degrees in criminology etc. Plus, look on Merseyside police site and the process is explained and you'll find John Moore's is mentioned.

If after all that you think I'm full of shit. Fair enough. Oh and finally, let's not forget that you were the one who stated that the police should be battering student protesters, before all the usual lot form an unholy alliance with you.

There is an appeal that will probably be in the public domain in 2011 so it would not be wise of me to discuss it on here. When he is cleared you will see exactly why he was stitched up.

All I will say to sum up this thread is this;

I know many graduates and they would not even entertain entering the police force.

a) It has anti social hours.

b) Its relatively poorly paid.

c) Long standing evidence of racism, bullying, homophobia and corruption.

d) Most of the public do not like them.

e) You are effectively married to the force, coppers ten to 'stick to their own' and have few friends outside the police, I would not consider being friends with one.

Mr brooklands, those points are bang on, my sister in law is a pig. Her marriage is over (due to her 'relationship' with her job, she's always fucking skint, uses her 'powers' to snoop on people (like p.n.c-ing a 'mates' wife's bit on the side's car to track him to his address) and is only really interested in socialising with other coppers. We are all scrotes and un desireables to her.
Newlunar said:
Blue Smarties said:
Do I hear an oink for the piggie? Oink! Oink!

Nashark,Pathetic maggot? That's a bit strong. I don't recall that thread. The fact that you do suggests I've made something of an impression on you. I'm flattered.
Blue Smarties- Farmyard noises, so hurtful. Let's see how long the public continue to support you and your friends while you continue to smash and burn.
Workers and students are uniting on the 4th December, some students in London are uniting with Subway strikers on the Sunday/Monday.

We'll smash and burn our way forward, it gives us something to do than just play Call Of Duty eh?

Oh and videos like these don't help cool the protests down -

Newlunar said:
Blue Smarties said:
Do I hear an oink for the piggie? Oink! Oink!

Nashark,Pathetic maggot? That's a bit strong. I don't recall that thread. The fact that you do suggests I've made something of an impression on you. I'm flattered.
Blue Smarties- Farmyard noises, so hurtful. Let's see how long the public continue to support you and your friends while you continue to smash and burn.

Thought I recognised the user name, you were a lickspittle on that thread and you're a lickspittle here. What a surprise, no respect for the law of the land again. If you are a policeman you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, is it any wonder that you engender so little support and respect from the ordinary man? The world over we see the excesses committed by the uniformed and jackbooted who seem to think that because they wear a uniform they are above the law and the arbiters of their own personally owned justice system. In a democratic country we hope that the police act, as is proper, as public servants, unlike a totalitarian state where authority is imposed upon rather than granted by the populace. You would do well to take heed of the NYPD motto, "To protect and serve". There are not enough decent upstanding coppers and far too many like you. You are a disgrace!
The more i've come into contact with the Police, the more i dislike the people, the profession and the mindset it creates.

I've met one, out of say 30-50 that was a really nice guy.

I wonder if its a certain type of person that joins the Police front line or if it becomes a mentality and a view that is drummed into you in training. There must still be a few left that join because they want to make a difference, rather than because there's nothing else to try or the power trip makes up for lack or rodding length?
GStar said:
The more i've come into contact with the Police, the more i dislike the people, the profession and the mindset it creates.

I've met one, out of say 30-50 that was a really nice guy.

I wonder if its a certain type of person that joins the Police front line or if it becomes a mentality and a view that is drummed into you in training. There must still be a few left that join because they want to make a difference, rather than because there's nothing else to try or the power trip makes up for lack or rodding length?

You're spot on there mate. Everyone I have ever met can be summed up by one word "snide".

Have you ever seen fools and horses and there old school chum called Slater who turns up and is now a police officer......He epitomises the vast majority of coppers.
GStar said:
The more i've come into contact with the Police, the more i dislike the people, the profession and the mindset it creates.

I've met one, out of say 30-50 that was a really nice guy.

I wonder if its a certain type of person that joins the Police front lin
e or if it becomes a mentality and a view that is drummed into you in training. There must still be a few left that join because they want to make a difference, rather than because there's nothing else to try or the power trip makes up for lack or rodding length?

Yes mate it certainly is a certain kind of person, a person that is incapable of training to do a job that actualy consists of thinking for yourself without hiding behind a Jack Boot and Uniform, a person that thoroughly enjoys Bullying and is on a complete power trip even if he/she knows that what she/he is doing is wrong and far from the truth, it makes no odds to these soulless, gutless fkin cowards, i myself would have NOTHING to do with any of 'em, they are never ever off Duty, Slags to a man/woman.
buzzer1 said:
GStar said:
The more i've come into contact with the Police, the more i dislike the people, the profession and the mindset it creates.

I've met one, out of say 30-50 that was a really nice guy.

I wonder if its a certain type of person that joins the Police front lin
e or if it becomes a mentality and a view that is drummed into you in training. There must still be a few left that join because they want to make a difference, rather than because there's nothing else to try or the power trip makes up for lack or rodding length?

Yes mate it certainly is a certain kind of person, a person that is incapable of training to do a job that actualy consists of thinking for yourself without hiding behind a Jack Boot and Uniform, a person that thoroughly enjoys Bullying and is on a complete power trip even if he/she knows that what she/he is doing is wrong and far from the truth, it makes no odds to these soulless, gutless fkin cowards, i myself would have NOTHING to do with any of 'em, they are never ever off Duty, Slags to a man/woman.

Spot on. I wonder if all the coppers/cop lovers on here can realise that we can't ALL be wrong about them....
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
GStar said:
The more i've come into contact with the Police, the more i dislike the people, the profession and the mindset it creates.

I've met one, out of say 30-50 that was a really nice guy.

I wonder if its a certain type of person that joins the Police front line or if it becomes a mentality and a view that is drummed into you in training. There must still be a few left that join because they want to make a difference, rather than because there's nothing else to try or the power trip makes up for lack or rodding length?

You're spot on there mate. Everyone I have ever met can be summed up by one word "snide".

Have you ever seen fools and horses and there old school chum called Slater who turns up and is now a police officer......He epitomises the vast majority of coppers.

It's as rare as rocking horse shit for me to agree with BB2.0, but I share his dislike for the misfits, bullies, squares and sociopaths which make up the nation's police force.

I'm a law abiding, hard working, tax payer and I just fucking hate the twats. How can any football fan, student, trades unionist, pacifist or copper's wife actually like the pigs?
Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
You're spot on there mate. Everyone I have ever met can be summed up by one word "snide".

Have you ever seen fools and horses and there old school chum called Slater who turns up and is now a police officer......He epitomises the vast majority of coppers.

It's as rare as rocking horse shit for me to agree with BB2.0, but I share his dislike for the misfits, bullies, squares and sociopaths which make up the nation's police force.

I'm a law abiding, hard working, tax payer and I just fucking hate the twats. How can any football fan, student, trades unionist, pacifist or copper's wife actually like the pigs?

Rarer still for me to concur with BB2,and it may never happen again in this lifetime,but on this I do agree,because he is absolutely 100% correct.
Newloony can bleat unsubstantiated bollocks about pig-ignorant plods being graduate high flyers 'till the cows come home,but it simply reveals his true colours,as does his pathetic attempt to bring a relative of BB2's into the equation,which is totally irrelevant shitstirring.
As for quoting the Miseryside pig website,well you would probably read more truth on Rag Tissue than that biased drivel,although how they managed to find a cuntstable capable of using a computer intrigues me.
I have seen enough of these state thugs braining innocent ravers,destroying a miner's wives soup kitchen in a baton charge,and beating up peace protesters for nothing to know that they are vermin.

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