M62 Police Shooting

SWP's back

Well-Known Member
29 Jun 2009
Surprised there's no thread on this given how infrequently these things happen in the UK.

Having watched the BBC documentary on the Mark Duggan shooting I'll be interested to find out what actually happened on the M62 Slip road the other night.

It seems as though they found a gun in the car, was shot but survived last year and was arrested for attempted murder (drive by shooting) a few years ago.

Family are of course saying he was just a lovely family man.

100 protesting last night and saying there's a cover up because the police weren't wearing body cameras.

Surprised there's no thread on this given how infrequently these things happen in the UK.

Having watched the BBC documentary on the Mark Duggan shooting I'll be interested to find out what actually happened on the M62 Slip road the other night.

It seems as though they found a gun in the car, was shot but survived last year and was arrested for attempted murder (drive by shooting) a few years ago.

Family are of course saying he was just a lovely family man.

100 protesting last night and saying there's a cover up because the police weren't wearing body cameras.


Fuck him, the scumbag.
Did you see the pics of his house? CCTV cams all over it.
10 CCTV cameras. The quote from a family member admitting he was no angel says it all.

The only thing I would be interested in is why the armed police didn't wear body cams.

Regardless, I won't be losing sleep over a brown pusher who had access to firearms.
Did you see the pics of his house? CCTV cams all over it.
And posing with a lambo. But outside his shite terrace.

Call me old fashione but I'd move somewhere nice with a pool and stuff before buying the super car.

"He was just an honest car dealer who loved him family" yeah right.
I have no concerns over this. We probably don't gun down enough criminals in my view and i'm a bit of liberal lefty!
Fuck him, the scumbag.
Spot on. It sickens me when twats like this become retrospective angels just because a police man shot them.
The police are not perfect, but if anyone thinks we have gangs of armed police driving round in unmarked cars randomly assassinating innocent people they need to give their heads a wobble.
After the Duggan documentary i have doubts over anything coming out of the police and the fact they found a gun in the car seems a leaked piece of info to try and justify any action.

However, seems like the guy was an utter scum bag so not going to lose any sleep over it, just think the police need to be far more trustworthy and transparent. Surely on a job like that then body cams is an absolute must.

As for people protesting, they need to get a grip and stop watching CNN and FOX.

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