Nicky Morgan


Well-Known Member
10 Mar 2009
Stepping up to the plate as the tory world falls apart.

Getting further and further away from reality

Good tune here about her.

I'm sitting in the teaching hub, trying to plan my week
But the spreadsheet needs some data and the raise on line looks bleak
I'm looking at my colleagues and much to my surprise
They all require improvement and then I realise

I'm looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eye
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes

I'm standing in the playground with a massive bunch of keys
I'm giving them to businessmen who run academies
I don't believe that teachers should be properly qualified
Experience counts for nothing and then I realise

I'm looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eye
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes

I'm looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eye
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes

The teachers are all cowering and fearing for their jobs
And Ofsted are marauding like a bunch of mindless yobs
I look into a mirror, I scream and I despise
I hate what I am seeing and then I realise

I'm looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eye
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes

I'm looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eye
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes
Looking through Nicky Morgan's eyes

Nicky don't need her eyes to see
Nicky has parted from reality.!
She has that all to common Tory trait of a thoroughly punchable face. She deserves a kick in the ****, its almost like someone gave her a can of petrol and told her to put out a fire.

Ken i didnt read your song lyrics, sorry, but I did manage the video, is this passable??
She has that all to common Tory trait of a thoroughly punchable face. She deserves a kick in the ****, its almost like someone gave her a can of petrol and told her to put out a fire.

Ken i didnt read your song lyrics, sorry, but I did manage the video, is this passable??

No worries pal, as i said, not for all.
It's ironic that 3 reports on workload are released on the first day of the holidays. The top recommendation is more lead in time for new initiatives. Meanwhile there's a made scramble to prepare for delivering new GCSE specs for September, some of which have only just been released. Surely waiting a year before they have to be delivered wouldn't have hurt. I could go on..
Soon expect to see schools completely privatised and much like the buses there will be loads more teachers than you need in trendy/popular areas and in teachers at all.
Soon expect to see schools completely privatised and much like the buses there will be loads more teachers than you need in trendy/popular areas and in teachers at all.
Maths teachers are like gold dust and goodness knows where we'll recruit all these language teachers once all are doing the Ebac.
Education should be under an independent body that is outside government control. Then it can be run for the long-term good of the kids and the country rather than constantly being subject to ideology and diktat.

Why in god's name is a lawyer (which is what she is) running the Education Department?
It's enjoyable and amusing to hear bitter and silly insults aimed at Tory politicians by lefty losers.

They are only capable of hero worship or nastiness, as exhibited by their hatred of Thatcher and their adoration of Blair and then their hatred of him too.

Very immature, like teenage pop fans who swing wildly between extremes of emotion.

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