Paedophilia within the game/City launch redress scheme

I am sure it was rife years ago. I was at city juniors in 70s and coach got slung out for misdemeanors. Struggling to remember the turds name, think it was John. Maybe holmes. Kept hush hushy at the time.
Wondered if anyone could remember this.
Randomly bumped into a blue in pub in town before recent match, and we were discussing the events of yesteryear
This saddens me greatly. Huge amounts of respect to him for being able to write that book and tell his traumatic story.

This could and should encourage more victims to come forward so I applaud his bravery and hope that City and the fooball community rally around him (and any victim) to get them the justice they deserve.
Well said indeed.

Head up Whitey! Villa Park April 91!
Steve Walters former Crewe player has chosen to speak out about what happened to him whilst at Crewe Alex.
Looks like up to 6 ex players

have contacted police
Just seen on Twitter that Paul Stewart has said the same thing happened to him when he was a young lad. Looks as though the floodgates have indeed opened now and it is going to have been rife.
It seemed at the time to be common knowledge about what was going on at Crewe in the same way it was common knowledge about Cyril Smith
Respect to both Paul Stewart and Whitey for speaking out about their ordeal as kids.

I'm just hoping City as a club now in 2016 will be open about this and accept the shit that may of occurred back in the day.

No longer brushing this shit under the carpet.
Hopefully encouraging more people to speak out.

As a side issue it also pisses me off how frowned upon homosexuality seems to be in the game, with players rarely ever coming out publicly (not that they have to) but shouldn't be ashamed about doing so.
Out of all the men involved in football, it's a very small percentage that are known homosexuals.
It's obviously alot more.
Ha ha, quite funny that

Although when the guy was rubbing yer balls with linament rub it didn't seem that funny.
I did wonder whether to post it!

On a more serious note, given all that's been revealed about the entertainment industry in recent years and the culture of abuse of adolescent girls in that world, no one should be surprised that youth football acted as a magnet for men with an attraction towards underage boys. And once again the backdrop to the story is the authorities displaying Nelsonian blindness at best and being complicit at worst to what was going on under their noses. Such a breach of trust by those with the power to do something about it.

It cannot be easy and I think it takes a great deal of bravery for the likes of White and Stewart to come forward and openly discuss this abuse. I hope it gives them a degree of closure.

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