Pint for a Pal!! **UPDATE**

thanks for trying not sure why mate we have checked and they are saying no problem but i am no IT man, there's been 5 kind donations in the last hour so some are okay.

Is there an alternate way of getting cash to the lad mate?

If not i will try again.

Just tried a different card and it went through fine :-)
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I know from experience about Guillain Barre Syndrome as my mother had it many years ago. It is very difficult to treat and extremely dibilitating. It has been known, in some cases that you can recover but it is very hit and miss. My heart goes out to you and your family Stephen and hope there is a full recovery for you.
Direct from Levets to help understand his financial position....he does go on a bit in fairness!!

Thanks for all your comments and support.

I've not responded before now as I needed to clear my head. This has floored me, I always suspected delaying tactics and stalling. Now actually receiving this letter my suspicions are confirmed. ...
I'm going to try and explain what has happened. The dates may be a bit out as this condition has messed up my memory...
August 2014 - admitted to hospital and diagnosed with Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS). Spent a month in ICU, induced into a coma, placed on respirator/ventilator and a tracheotomy. After another month on general wards, admitted to rehab unit at Birch Hill, where I spent a further 14 months...
February 2015 - Oldham Council Occupational Therapist (OT number 1), visits my home to assess necessary adaptations ready for my discharge initially estimated to be 6/4/15. They suggested ridiculous plans such as a lift from lounge to the bedroom. Ramps at a cost of £4800, a wet room conversion at a cost of £4000. We/Debbie told them this is ridiculous, we didn't want a lift etc. They said "no problem, we can discuss at a later date, but they'd cost for this anyway"...
Summer 2015 - We see the plans! A lift is there...into a now 'Single' bedroom. Where is Debbie meant to sleep? They realise their cock up and again say don't worry etc. Meanwhile my discharge is delayed a 2nd time to September 2015....
August 2015 – Debbie chases the OT (number 1) and is advised she is no longer handling my case and I have been assigned a new Occupational Therapist (OT number 2). However she is on annual leave for 3 weeks....
September 2015 - After numerous attempts to speak with her, she calls Debbie. This is only after Debbie complained at the lack of response and urgency, given I was due home soon...
OT number 2 then advises that she is not happy with the existing plans and she will visit with her colleagues to conduct a feasibility study!... Meanwhile my discharge is delayed a further 3 months to December 2015....
Following their visit they advise the only option is a single storey extension, comprising of a bedroom and a wet room....
November 2015 - The OT (number 2) phones and advises that it has passed planning and approved by the panel (council), plans completed and we will receive them shortly... Still a few things to discuss on the plans, such as their ideas for entrance didn't meet ours, but again "no problem".....
December 2015 - I'm discharged after 16 months...
We receive a letter from the OT saying she is no longer on my case as it has progressed to the adaptation team and they will contact us shortly to discuss plans etc.... Christmas and New Year pass, by end of February 2016 we haven't heard anything so I call them... I'm told my case is priority, but there is a contribution of £4,500. I explain that I only have my benefit. The woman tells me that my wife has a 'very good' salary! Debbie gets on the phone and explains we have no income apart from her salary and my benefit, which is gobbled up by our mortgage and general bills. Debbie is advised that they only look at income when assessing... Outgoings are not taken into consideration.... She does suggest that if Debbie completes a statement of income and supplies proof of earnings, she will reassess....
Friday 15th April 2016 - We are advised by said letter that we must contribute, by personal funds, savings or loan... The sum of £13,500. No indication of the total budget, or what percentage of the total cost this figure equates to. I have 28 days to respond or my application goes in the bin basically.


An update... Debbie spoke to the council and what she was told beggars belief... It is NOT a council decision, but is a decision borne out of Government criterion...also my pip is excluded from the calculation...

When the 1st assessment was done in August 2014, it was £4500 contribution, although they didn't tell us this until mid March 2016... Back in August, we were in receipt of child benefit for the youngest, therefore she was a 'dependant'...

Now in April 2016 we do NOT receive child benefit as she is now doing an apprenticeship... Therefore we no longer have any dependants, plus my ESA has gone up by £30 per week... So the Government calculates our contribution should be £13,500 as we have no dependants. In reality we still do as she's still a minor, but because we aren't eligible for child benefit, she is classed as a non dependant... the £30 increase in ESA, delivers a £9,000 extra contribution!! My ESA increase is £1,500 per annum... How can this be possible? It makes less sense than the fiscal policies of Greece!

Of course Debbie explained that all our income is taken up by our mortgage largely... And weekly bills etc... Apparently when doing financial assessments, the government allows housing costs of £61.40 per week!! Our mortgage is 4 times that.

This saga has been going on since December 2014, the usual timescale is 'up to 6 months'...if they hadn't botched their initial assessment and plans, then the youngest would still been a dependant, I wouldn't have been receiving ESA.. We wouldn't be in this predicament.

So... It's written in stone, no flexibility and no adaptations unless we find £13,500.
40% tax payer for 30 years eh? Who's the mug?
Its an absolute fucking disgrace shit like this and makes my blood boil.

Come on blues, lets help one of our own out here because this fucking country and government dont give a rats arse!
hi mcfcm40, I hope your friend gets all the support he needs, I have made a little donation and I hope everyone else can do he same. the blues that help me in madrid when my wallet was stolen were fantastic so going by there kindness I am thinking the target could be reached.
Every single penny donated here is hugely appreciated by Steve and his family, let's keep the money coming in people.
Contributions of any amount help.

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