PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Shame. I thought Ros did thorough work.

The first and last line on this by any media outlet worth its salt should be that none of the charges relating to financial manipulation have ever been proven by an independent body. He mentions that in passing almost as if it's an inconvenience getting in the way of a good story. Until that happens this is all just speculation and sentences thrown down by explicitly biased parties.

If there's one thing this saga has shown me it's that people will ardently claim they believe in some ideological principle but then the moment that discarding that principle is in their best interest they will do so unblinking.

How many people do you think would say they believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?

Well they don't. This has demonstrated that for me. People only presume innocence when it suits them. Anybody making the argument that we have cheated are quite explicitly and by definition presuming guilt. And they all seem to be fairly comfortable with that.
The thing that's disingenuous about all this is that (a) they really don't know exactly what the charges are and (b) the little we do know about them appears to have no bearing on our winning these titles.

We do know one is about Mancini's Al Jazira contract. That ended in 2012, which was the first year of FFP, which we know we failed and ended up agreeing a settlement with UEFA. This has no bearing on our current success whatsoever.

We also know that the same charge relates to payment of player image rights via Fordham. Reuters reported that UEFA discussed that arrangement with us in 2015, and if that's correct we know that no disciplinary action was taken over this. My guess is that these payments might not have been reported to UEFA from 2013-2015 but I'd surmise we did include them after that, and it seems we ended the arrangement completely in 2018, If that's right, then I'd say UEFA took no action as they had no material impact on our FFP position.

And if it didn't impact our FFP position then it's inconceivable it would be any different as far as the PL's own rules are concerned. Therefore any insinuation that these allegations had any bearing on our success over the last few years, and that we wouldn't have been as successful had we not done what we're alleged to have done, is completely and utterly wide of the mark.
Also worth noting that, if PL is really trying to apply a rule retrospectively (see City legal challenge) then the bona fides of the ‘prosecution’ is called into question. I see Simon Jordan thinks that has something to do with time barring. That oaf is plain ignorant.
I don’t see any chance of that happening. It would be great though as listening to rival fans is beyond tedious. Most don’t even know what the charges are.
And the charges have grown from 105 to 115 according to the media who know next to nothing about any of this fiasco. As far as they are concerned it is a way for them to put an black mark against our achievements as a club.
Also worth noting that, if PL is really trying to apply a rule retrospectively (see City legal challenge) then the bona fides of the ‘prosecution’ is called into question. I see Simon Jordan thinks that has something to do with time barring. That oaf is plain ignorant.
That's all I hear, day in day out "its obvious city have cheated but nobody can do anything because all the evidence is time barred".

I don't pretend to know much about the whole situation, so I'm just gonna trust the club to do the best for us.
Also worth noting that, if PL is really trying to apply a rule retrospectively (see City legal challenge) then the bona fides of the ‘prosecution’ is called into question. I see Simon Jordan thinks that has something to do with time barring. That oaf is plain ignorant.
His logic is that City only won the case at CAS because of time bar issues which is not true. He obviously didn't know that some of the evidence that was presented by UEFA had been doctored and bolted together like stolen car. He also stated that City have been well run since 2018, which is also rubbish. We have been financial well run for a lot longer than that.
Apart from the negative press around FFP, it could actually be argued that it accelerated City’s growth and sustainability allowing us to come away from relying on Sheikh Mansour’s wealth. The club had to play within the new construct, so we decided not only would we grow exponentially off the field by building a world class academy and expanding the City Group, we also decided we needed pep and his philosophy to grow on the pitch. We developed a slick operation and the recruitment process got better and better each season.

Thanks FFP. Only could the daft twats at Uefa/cartel could come up with a system that actually benefited the club and accelerated our self sustainability model.

They can keep the negative soundbites while I will look at the clubs achievements with unbridled joy. England should be proud that MCFC represents the country with distinction.

What a club!
Sheik Mansour is an investor by trade and inclination. Building the structure and facilities to become self sustaining was his plan from Day 1, irrespective of ffp. Our subsequent history and his steadfastness proves his perspicacity and genuine commitment.
CFG is becoming a global monster.
That's all I hear, day in day out "its obvious city have cheated but nobody can do anything because all the evidence is time barred".

I don't pretend to know much about the whole situation, so I'm just gonna trust the club to do the best for us.
The bit that gets about the Uefa case and the time barred element is that it only came into effect because that is what Uefa wrote into their rules.
We didn't get off with anything time barred, CAS didn't take them into account as the process that was set out by our accusers was not followed by Uefa.

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