PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Since Nick Harris seemingly has no qualms about posting private messages, here’s an unsolicited text message that he sent me in the early hours a while ago. It’s not normal behaviour for a journalist. I genuinely think he needs help.

View attachment 108551

I dont even understand it what he is saying

If anyone is struggling to understand our charges you could get tickets for this madness

I'm sure that will be an intelligent discussion of historical facts and balanced opinions resulting in a fair assessment of everything currently related to our case.

Or on the other hand it could be an angry mob of torch & pitchfork wielding, mislead, partisan, buffoons lapping up Harris' bitter delusions and hearsay bullshit as "fact". It'll be like a discussion of "Margaret Thatchers greatest policies" held at a Port Talbot Labour Club.

Road show Next Stops:

The Empire - Liverpool - sponsored by RAWK
The Bishop Blaize - Trafford sponsored by Stretford Paddock
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It's a shame that @paulchapo didn't take up Harris's dinner invitation because it's clear after the podcast that he (Harris) hasn't got the balls to back up his Twatter bravado face to face.

I thought the way he singled me out and copied and pasted what I posted here onto his Twitter page utterly bizarre. I was having a bit of a rant on here and said the club should sue him and somebody mentioned the death of his wife. I think I said although sad he was a c**** before it and has been one after it, or something like that. The way it was implied was that my "Deranged" post was indicative of the terrible abuse he gets from City fans. As a result I was piled on by his followers, redshirts of course and even fucking Gary Lineker called me, or rather my post, vile. I actually thought given some posts I'd seen about him mine was fairly mild. I didn't like the twist that I was either making light of his wife's death or mocking it, that certainly wasn't the case.

What I did do however was take a look online about his wife's death. It was very sad and I could see how this could easily mentally affect someone. As a result I posted here that I was sorry if what I posted was misconstrued and if it caused him any distress that was not my intention and it wasn't. I posted that here as apparently somebody relayed my original post to him, so whoever was doing so, if true, could send him that one.

As for the offer he was putting out there to meet me for dinner and constantly saying I hadn't replied to him, with a possible inference I was somehow running scared, that wasn't the case. He has no email address I could find and even if on Twitter you have to be a blue tick member to message him. I did pm somebody here who'd had dealings with him to try and get a contact number but was advised against it . Apparently anybody who had done so had been bombarded with abuse and hounded to the point that an injunction had been sought. I am far too long in the tooth for that nonsense. Given the way he has reacted to @projectriver on Twitter after their spot on Talksport I think I did well to heed that advice. As for actually having dinner with him why on earth would I do that? We have absolutely nothing in common and we are poles apart on our views on City and the charges. There is also a chance it could have deteriorated in a not too pleasant way. I am too old and wise these days to let my ego lead me into such situations and I'm happy that's the case.Thirty years ago it would have been very different.
I dont even understand it what he is saying
He is saying that Ric acted as a mouthpiece for the club to shut down former youth players who accused Barry Bennell of sexually assaulting them. He also accused him of encouraging a pile on to silence 'journalists' like himself.
He is saying that Ric acted as a mouthpiece for the club to shut down former youth players who accused Barry Bennell of sexually assaulting them. He also accused him of encouraging a pile on to silence 'journalists' like himself.
That’s fucking sick. Way over the line imo.
That's what Harris wants. He needs acknowledgement to be relevant, otherwise he's just another bitter ranting voice in the echo chamber of Twitter.

The club are doing the right thing by ignoring the likes of Harris, Delaney and any other bitter supporters of other clubs who rant on social media about how guilty we are without anything to seriously back up their claims. To be honest Harris causing so much conversation on this thread (I'm aware I'm now adding to this!) will also be giving him a buzz.
But we're not reading his twitter as we're all blocked, and we won't be purchasing anything written by him or joining his substack subscription

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