PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Maybe some of our legal experts on here can comment but with reference to a US style prosecution in court, we would have access to PL emails associated with the case through a process called ‘disclosure’.

Does anybody know if the same could apply in the high court in this country ?
If so I would imagine plenty of ammo and dirt would surface against not only the PL officials but other clubs too….
Yes disclosure applies here but not as strictly as in US. For example, in criminal cases, the police and prosecution have control of it. Many miscarriages of justice as a result. See Guildford Four where a confession by someone else was marked “not to be disclosed to the defence”
Not sure about modern practice in civil actions or disciplinary hearings.
Calling all lawyers.
Sky lost all credibility when they sold up to Comcast. They kept a man in a job who spat at a teenage girl. Let that sink in.
Matt Letissier said Spitity agent phoned him not happy he was refrencing "Spitty" staying employed after spitting in a Child face.

Whilst he was sacked for nothing more than having a n opinion.

American owners.
Now the dust as slightly settled.

Football as we know it is about to change. Similar to the world we live in.

We are in big trouble & im not sure why & we probably will never know. Politics at play with the league & other clubs.

The fact so many clubs have said they want us out is bizarre when you look at the cash utd, Newcastle & Chelsea are throwing around.

They want this City project stopped now & will go out with guns blazing to stop it.

The prem league lose this battle then the brand is damaged forever, I actually think if they win & the brand is damaged. Makes it even more strange what they are doing now in middle of a season. Nobody wins from this.

I’m really not sure where this will leave our beloved City but I do see us being charged. 100% fine & heavy point deduction & sadly I do see a relegation thrown in too.

Bizarre times. We might be seeing the last of pep to so I hope his song is loud for the rest of the season.
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So say we riposted this and if they look like patsies.. do they open themselves for consequences?

Or they get off clean no matter what??
We go for their throat as well as the rest of sad fucking clubs who've been crying and whining ever since HRH bought us.
I'm all for hitting em hard and take em all down, including the libelous, racist hacks who call themselves journalists

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