PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You're overthinking it.

Most people will have come away with the impression that SJ 'won'.

Now that is because most regular listeners to Talksport are as thick as pigshit but that's the arena we are discussing, with its 3.3 million listeners.

You're points are relevant and correct in a grown up discussion between reasonable people. That's not the case here.
Talk sport doesn’t have 3 .3 mill listeners, that’s its weekly reach,and as I understand it not 3.3 million separate people. Numbers listening to a mid afternoon mid week show will be a fraction of that number. What impression they get has little to do with whatever real discussion takes place.
That would be the court of opinion City fans encounter at away games and in the pub and in their offices etc.
No point getting angry with ignorant, partisan fans. There’s nothing you can say that will stop them saying 115.

You can try the angle of not being found guilty of anything yet and asking them if they understand what is actually happening. This will either make them say some other benign bantz about being oil cheats or them saying there’s no smoke with out fire.

You then either walk away suggesting that we’ll see with a smirk on your face, or you try until you’re blue in the face to explain the intricacies of the situation.

Best just ignored altogether on social media.
We literally cannot win even our lawyers cost too much now and ironically that should also count towards FFP. That's effectively what Jordan was saying.

Clown world.

The pl will be bring in a new rule that clubs can only use lawyers who charge less than £5.99 per hour
Because Stefan thinks about his response before he speaks? Nothing wrong with that. But it's difficult when in dialogue with a shouting, ignorant gobshite who interrupts every ten seconds.
And White chipping in with more bollocks to let us know he's still in the room.
Fuck 'em both, a pair of clickbaiting arseholes.
They want to incite hysterical responses because that puts bums on seats.
They want a bit of a Barney with insults and a bit of shouting and a lot of interruption.
As I’ve said to others who have mentioned to me how guilty we are ( and that we all know it) and bang on about ‘time barred stuff‘ and expensive lawyers, go and read the CAS judgement - it is fill of dry, legalistic terms and goes on a bit, but it is full of dry dusty facts, and dry dusty facts are not sexy - certainly not sexy enough for TS and it’s acolytes and the barrel-scraping popular media, and certainly not enough for rabid rag and dipper fans.
As far as I see, Stefan does dry dusty facts (and does them very well) and refuses to be drawn into hysterical exchanges that are so necessary for Jordan and his ilk.
Jordan did make one excellent point, which is that City's case is not just about accounting breaches in a single year, it is about widescale allegations of fraud of the most serious nature, being aimed against some players with very very high reputations. Of course they are not going to skimp on legal fees when it comes to defending themselves.
I did laugh when he came out with that as if it was a rapier like point stabbed with searing intellect into Steffans heart.
He is merely repeating back to Steffan what Steffan has been telling him these last three months.
The man is a complete self obsessed tosser.
Iirc, @Prestwich_Blue mentioned a while ago that he had heard from a reliable source that the PL had contacted the club about a possible settlement.
I stand by that, and the information that we sent them away with a flea in their ear. And as everyone knows, I've always been very dubious about the strength of the allegations.

However, in the light of the other rumours floating around, I did speculate that the approach from the PL (assuming that happened) was possibly more to do with how they unravel this, and seeking assurances from us.

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