
Godfather said:
I started getting it quite bad on my legs and a large patch was developing on my arm when I was about 18. I started using exorex tar based lotion during the day, and then a clear cream called curatoderm, at night. I'm 26 now and touch wood have no psoriasis. My dad has it bad and uses exactly the same stuff, He just can't contain it, really really feel for him and anyone who has it bad, it gets you down no end.

exactly m8, i feel for the OP as its on his eyelids...
My hubby used to get it quite badly and had all sorts of creams for it.

He got a book on the subject which stated that certain foods could make it worse. He gave up eating tomatoes and potatoes which were the worst culprits, and it really seemed to help.
My hubby used to get it quite badly and had all sorts of creams for it.

He got a book on the subject which stated that certain foods could make it worse. He gave up eating tomatoes and potatoes which were the worst culprits, and it really seemed to help.

Holy crap, that might help a bit. My eye has flared up worse since i started eating tomatoes!!! tell me please it doesnt include ketchup
Cheers scar
stony said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Mate i went to a dermatologist after i first got psorisis he sorted 3 seperate skin conditions out for me and then went "psorisis, well nothing we can do for that, i'll prescribe some cream." I really feel for people who have it bad as eventually it can affect your bones and give you artheritis. How can it be right that this doesnt get more research, its not like the pharmaceutical companies wouldnt make loads out of it. Psorisis is the now the quickest growing skin complaint in the world. Jokes

But in the larger outlook there is alot worse that could happen to a person other than some red patches on your skin

It's not in a drug companies best interest to find a cure. It's far more profitable to treat it when you have flare ups and promote products that supposedly help prevent it.

My daughter had bad exzema for years , on all sorts of creams and steroids. Then in desperation we took her to a homeopathic physician who

Spent a lot of time talking to her
Questioned what she ate , eat and drank

Gave her a course of stuff and it went....that was nine years ago. Exzcema still very occaissionally reappears in small patches when she gets stressed but nothing like it was.

Worth a try, rather than putting up with it
I've suffered with Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis for about 5 years since i was diagnosed in 2006. Its treatable and can be kept under control using a variety of methods. During my biggest flare up in 2008, my body was 20% covered with Psoriasis, that i could live with, the arthritis however is shit. I highly advise you to try and get screening for arthritis and see if you have any family history of arthritis the faster you find that out and deal with it the better. But thankfully Psoriatic arthritis only happens to 10% of patients with psoriasis so you shouldn't lose sleep over it.
If you Psoriasis is getting really bad, which is categorized as moderate to severe arthritis there are very modern but very expensive drugs called biologics, they fall under shots or IV infusions, new ones are coming out almost every year. I take one shot every 2 weeks of Humira which has thankfully cleared up my psoriasis and arthritis. If your psoriasis gets to a point where you just can't control with corticosteroid creams or uv light therapy i highly advise using Biologics. They are a last resort of treatment however and only for people with moderate to severe psoriasis due to side affects.
Keep fighting the good fight and never let psoriasis get you down.
PS this website helped a lot when i had questions
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
I have psoriasis and have suffered with it all my life. I currently take a drug called methatrexate which is a anti cancer drug. It was first prescribed for my joints but it also cleared my skin. The problem with it, is that the drug is very toxic and it leaves me feeling nauseas and tired but eh! look on the bright side, theirs a lot worse that you could be suffering from. My tip of the day for all you psoriasis sufferers. Dont support city because it gets worse with stress, when were on a good run I start to clear it up but when the inevitable happens, I'm in agony. And the bloke whose going for the fish treatment, how many fish ave they got.
I have in the past had an occasional patch on my eyelid, and it is a pain as it invariably leads to splitting and it's a struggle to keep from blinking ! The only thing I used to put on it was e45 cream, especially at night, whether it actually helped or not I'm not sure, but it never harmed my eye, I felt that I was doing something and at least the cool cream was soothing. Another thing I have found to help is sea salt, I always put a couple of handfuls in a bath ( it's a bit trickier in a shower ), in fact I swear by it.

Like some others I'm taking methotrexate for arthritis but it also really helps with the psoriasis and has also been mentioned if you start to feel anything in your joints get straight to the docs, the sooner help can start the better.

I used to use steroid creams on knees and ankles, but stopped when I saw how much the creams were "bleaching" my clothes, so I wouldn't put these anywhere near my eyes. And as you've done I just thought "fuck it I'm not going to stress out about this anymore", this is definately the best (only) attitude to take. Good luck.
i have it really badly at the moment. went for the light treatment last year, but it didn't quite clear all of it up. some of the areas have gone, and not come back, some are worse then ever.

Most mornings i wake up and the bed sheets are covered in blood, most of my work shirts get chucked out cos the blood wont come out.

Got reffered to a doctor ferguson at wythenshawe hospotal, who also has a surgery in withington, and they do the light treatment there.

Got to wait 4 months to even see here, and without seeing her i can't get the light treatment again, bloody joke!!!!

Has anyone found the sunbeds to work well? ive got to do something, ive had enough of the creams etc. i had to buy chuck away boiler suits from B&Q cos i ruined all the bed sheets!!!

god, there must be more the docs can do............
it's been an interesting read
thanks for the tips

i have had several attacks of 'gout' since the beginning of December which have been in my foot, not big toe, and i'm now wondering if it psoriatic arthritis instead

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