Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Jamie Carragher@Carra23
4 hours ago
Reports today suggest Raheem Sterling has told Brendan Rodgers he doesn't want to go away on the pre season tour. This at times comes from the club who are chasing the player, in this case Man City, who ask a player to try and force the move after having two bids that were unsuccessful, all clubs at times have asked a player to push a move through but even so it's still a story that doesn't reflect well on Raheem. He's starting to get a reputation that could be hard to rid himself of in the future,I think this situation will only make Liverpool more determined to get the fee they feel Raheem is worth rather than caving in to Raheem's & Man City's wishes.

I hope he doesn't even believe that. Carragher sounds like he is just pandering to the deluded dipper fan base.
That's exactly what is playing our before our eyes. And, believe me, it does happen in business quite regularly. And what happens in business is the idiot angry bosses alienate the employee further and give him the courage of his convictions. And the other employees watch what's happening and think "I wouldn't want that to happen to me. This place isn't what it's cracked up to be".

It's ridiculous, short-sighted, old school management.

20 years ago I resigned from a job was doing well i because I preferred the other company and the career they could offer me. When I resigned they gave me "garden leave" but insisted I come into the office the next day. When I did, they locked me in a room with a big list of companies for me to "cold call". Now this sort of stuff was not what i was paid to do, and I had no incentive whatsoever to get any results, so i sat for half a day tossing it off. All day employees were sneaking in for a chat, and expressing their disgust that they were effectively punishing me. After lunch I called in my direct manager and said "This is no good for you, it is no good for me, it's a waste of everyone's time, and it's distracting your staff". He went away, spoke to his boss and then let me go. I soon moved into management in my new company and went back and recruited half of their staff.

So the peevish idiot boss had succeeded in pissing me off enough to feel no regret about going back to pinch his staff, and had given the message to his staff that he was a twat, contributing to them ultimately leaving.

Abu Dhabi know the score. Act honorably. Treat people fairly and you will get the rewards.
You make a good point but if Jordan Henderson and Ricky Lambert rock up at our place in January because they want to come and work with Sterling again i will not be happy!
So it may not be true that he's pulled a sickie. Could be that Liverpool have told him to stay away whilst the deal gets done.
He's going to more determined to perform this season, what a way to say fuck you to all his haters,if he's holding up the premiership trophy come the end of the season. A bit like what Nasri did but on a bigger scale.
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