Refugee crisis

Its absolutely true. If you need pictures to understand the reality of the horrors in the world then your lack of empathy is the issue

I dont think its a lack of empathy on his part, or lack of understanding.
I understand the horrors of WW2 for example, but when you see a photo it just makes it that much more real doesn't it. It stirs stronger emotions. A photo is a lot more likely to get people acting on something than just being told
Thousands of little boys die every day for a variety of reasons.

If you need a picture to give a shit then you're part of the problem
I personally give a shit anyway. I was trying to illustrate the pointlessness of discussing syria or turkey when all that matters really is a child has needlessly died in a gruesome fashion.

I doubt I'm alone on this, that kids feet and body remind me of my own children. That dead child could have been mine. And there was no need for it.
I understand the image is emotional....but where do these people live ...where are the houses? The Doctors? Nurses? The money?

There are simply too many to look after and help. We are in a crisis here as it is with housing shortages , NHS problems, welfare shortfalls not to mention councils cutting services with even more austerity to come yet!

It is an impossible situation.
As a country we should do our fair share and allow genuine Syrian refugees to come here as we did with the Bosnians in the early 90s. We should make less effort trying to stop British people who want to go to Syria.

I'd rather have Syrian families here who want to live in freedom in the west than British families who hate the UK and would rather be in Syria. Seems a fair exchange.
I dont think its a lack of empathy on his part, or lack of understanding.
I understand the horrors of WW2 for example, but when you see a photo it just makes it that much more real doesn't it. It stirs stronger emotions. A photo is a lot more likely to get people acting on something than just being told

That's just how it is. Everybody obviously knows kids are dying every second, most of which are/should be unacceptable. 250,000 kids go blind and die through lack of vitamin A every year, kids starve, kids drink polluted water etc etc. The stats are there, but when you see the results in a picture it makes a difference (although it shouldn't)
You make it out as if we are in a similar position to them, behave

It sickens me to the pit of my stomach how folk really don't give a toss abt what's happening

It's all abt looking aft no 1 for some and if it effects you in anyway you take the fuck um approach.
Hang on a fuckin minute, are you on a council house waiting list? Are you using the NHS on a weekly sometimes daily basis, are you sat smug in a well paid job?
Let me tell you how this effects my family, my Step Daughter her partner and 6 Month old baby have been on Trafford council house waiting list for 5 years, not a fuckin sniff of a chance even with a baby, having to now pay a fortune to rent private even though they both work they are struggling
My wife has worked all her life payed in a fortune in tax and N.I. last 6 years she has been virtually crippled by osteoarthritis, she also has Jensens Lymphomatic Infiltrate a painful nerve ending disease, one of her wrists is in need of a Carpel Tunnel operation, she also suffers from Fibromoralgia, so you can see how often we need the NHS, they are trying their best for her but they are under enormous strain
My Niece has been trying to find a decent job for years, it's Agencies this Agencies that, she is getting desperate and has signed up for college to do theatrical make up course, lot of good that will do her lol
How will another 100,000 'refugees' thrown into that pot help the situation?
Hang on a fuckin minute, are you on a council house waiting list? Are you using the NHS on a weekly sometimes daily basis, are you sat smug in a well paid job?
Let me tell you how this effects my family, my Step Daughter her partner and 6 Month old baby have been on Trafford council house waiting list for 5 years, not a fuckin sniff of a chance even with a baby, having to now pay a fortune to rent private even though they both work they are struggling
My wife has worked all her life payed in a fortune in tax and N.I. last 6 years she has been virtually crippled by osteoarthritis, she also has Jensens Lymphomatic Infiltrate a painful nerve ending disease, one of her wrists is in need of a Carpel Tunnel operation, she also suffers from Fibromoralgia, so you can see how often we need the NHS, they are trying their best for her but they are under enormous strain
My Niece has been trying to find a decent job for years, it's Agencies this Agencies that, she is getting desperate and has signed up for college to do theatrical make up course, lot of good that will do her lol
How will another 100,000 'refugees' thrown into that pot help the situation?

In the grand scheme of things, is your daughter more important than one of these refugees?
Your moaning because she is struggling a bit and has to pay private rent, and your niece has to do a make up course? Boo fucking hoo.
Send the message over to Turkey mate, "Sorry guys, but warspites niece has had to enroll in a make up course. Now fuck off"
In the grand scheme of things, is your daughter more important than one of these refugees?
Your moaning because she is struggling a bit and has to pay private rent, and your niece has to do a make up course? Boo fucking hoo.
Send the message over to Turkey mate, "Sorry guys, but warspites niece has had to enroll in a make up course. Now fuck off"
you take them in then.............

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