Refugee crisis

This is the most pertinent of all the posts I've read on here. The vast majority of these people are are Syrian, Turkey is a benign, secular state that has a population that is 98% muslim, with similar mores and values to their neighbour, Syria. It is a vast, beautiful country with, at present, a healthy economy, so to enter here and then frantically attempt to escape from Turkey suggests that once out of the war zone, people are then choosing Europe for the obvious reasons of it being far richer, and they know the infrastructure will care for them far better, understandable, but not acceptable as far as bona fide asylum is concerned.
When millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, from Africa, Ahghanistan etc; see that if they can just deposit themselves in a western country, the chances of removal being slight, these current numbers will seem trifling.
Heartbreaking though this is the Australian points system and processing off shore has resulted in a sharp decrease in the numbers attempting forced entry, it is inevitable that a similar system will be introduced through Europe eventually, to do otherwise would involve eventual economic collapse.
The problem is though that Turkey already has the largest Syrian refugee population in the world of around 1.75 million which is over 40% of the total. It's quite likely that Turkish services are overwhelmed by this influx and it's entirely understandable that people want to move on to countries more able to accommodate them. Ideally Turkey would be the best country for the refugees because of it's size, relatively low population density and proximity to Syria; so part of the solution should be richer western countries providing aid to Turkey to help them absorb the refugees.
Sorry, in the interest of even handedness, can you give me the address where I can drop off some make up supplies to your niece? Been really worried about her since your post.
Put the fucked up tents in your garden and your family's gardens then bring them over.......Much better
I'd help every single one of them if I could,,,,,,,but most people banging on about this wouldn't take a refugee family in or have them camping in their garden...

So where do they go once they are here? Who looks after them?

Put the fucked up tents in your garden and your family's gardens then bring them over.......Much better

funnily enough, the people you're taking the piss out of for wanting to help refugees are most likely the very same people that haven taken to the streets to argue against cuts, petitioned their MPs and taken other forms of direct action to try and help UK citizens. What have you done?
funnily enough, the people you're taking the piss out of for wanting to help refugees are most likely the very same people that haven taken to the streets to argue against cuts, petitioned their MPs and taken other forms of direct action to try and help UK citizens. What have you done?
listen pal I'm not taking the piss I'm deadly serious.

I'm doing nothing because I'm not an activist nor am I begging to bring them here.

I'm pointing out something which is a serious problem for many people in this country.

Pretending it isn't an issue won't help your argument to bring more and more refugees into the UK
Anyway, I don't think many people's minds are going to changed so i'm going to refrain from getting too drawn into the debate. For anyone who does feel strongly on the issue though and thinks we ought to do more to help, this petition is currently receiving more than 100 signatures per minute.

And if anybody has old clothes (especially mens), tents (even incomplete ones are welcome) or food etc. there are drop off points detailed on this map in Manchester and around the rest of the UK. Donations are being taken by volunteers and distributed among those living in camps around Calais.

Thanks for the info Geoff. Will sort out some old clothing etc this weekend.

You're a wise man for trying to refrain from getting too drawn in to an argument. As you say, some people's views are so entrenched that they aren't going to change unfortunately. I literally can't fathom how some of the utter fuckwits who've contributed to this thread are devoid of even a modicum of empathy for the suffering of other human beings. Maybe a reflection of the nasty society we seem to be becoming.
I'd help every single one of them if I could,,,,,,,but most people banging on about this wouldn't take a refugee family in or have them camping in their garden...

So where do they go once they are here? Who looks after them?


So, the countless other times when we have helped refugees it has resulted in them living in peoples gardens? Why is that your only viable option?

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