RIP Wilf Wild 1937


Well-Known Member
5 Jul 2009
Getting bricked at Leeds after Donachie scored
Team supported
City and Darlington FC
Steve was a poster on here and loved the forum.

He had heart problems the Friday before the LC Final, so bad he was told he may not see the weekend out.

He did survive and I went to see him at Wyth Hospital last week after the Stoke game to show him the highlights and he looked to be making fabulous progress although they still couldnt operate.

Unfortunately he took a turn for the worse and he had to go on life support last weekend which they had to turn off yesterday lunchtime.He was 57 years old.

Still cant get over his bravery when I visited him, he was more bothered about someone using his LC Final ticket and making the derby on April 7th than anything else. I wouldnt have given a sh@t at that point if it was me but just shows what an enormous Blue he was.

RIP Steve, hope we stuff united and the scousers for you.

EDIT: Just seen this Bluemoon message between us, he was so proud of this:

Wilf Wild 1937

Of course in the real but never to be written history of Manchester City we were both potentially pivotal. Our finest hour as a couple of City loving beer monsters was the one that took place at ... Gorton Bus Station Club or whatever it was called. Your speech, the unknown black guy who wouldn't let them close the meeting because we'd agreed nothing and me seizing the opportunity to force a vote on the boycotting season ticket proposal that you'd raised, honestly I believe that the three of us stopped Swales from selling to one of his cronies. If he had the history of the club would have been very different. Francis Lee has said that Mansour wouldn't have been interested in buying City if we were still at Maine Road. Would we have moved if Lee hadn't taken over? I'm pretty sure the black guy was the one who appeared on the pitch straight after the final whistle when we won the league in 2012 (check your recording). I really hope I'm right. He deserved to enjoy the success as much as we did. I like to think of you as the Dzeko and him as the Balotelli figure that night in Gorton ... yer I know fuck off Steve!!!

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