Scottish independence


The moaning kilt wearing cunts get the chance to fuck us English off for good and what do they do the mard twats ?
law74 said:
So now the union is safe (for a while), Westminster MUST ensure that the riches of our great nation are shared between ALL the citizens of our nation in a more equitable manner, the gaps between the rich and poor MUST be narrowed, public services MUST be secured and properly financed, privatization has to stop and by tackling tax evasion and avoidance will mean that welfare reform (or attacks on the working poor) need to stop.
Don't hold your breath.
Ultimately a majority of Scots saw through Salmond's bluff and bluster, his empty statements of "fact" and his attempts to play on the emotions and pull the heartstrings. When the cold, hard, facts of the debate were viewed with a neutral eye it was the no vote that stood up to scrutiny, the yes vote simply couldn't prove any of the things they claimed definitely would happen. A vote for yes was a punt, a gamble, blindly hoping that somehow a man, and a party, without the wherewithal to govern successfully would somehow fluke it and everything would be rosey.
nimrod said:

The moaning kilt wearing cunts get the chance to fuck us English off for good and what do they do the mard twats ?

It was never about getting rid of the English or even hating England.
We look at Norway for example, they have less resources than Scotland, less oil, less exports and they still manage to be richer per person, have free healthcare, free schools, a better standard of living, lower unemployment rate and the average Norwegian is roughly £14k per year better off than the average scot. I voted Yes because I believe we could have had that.

The thing that swayed the vote was Cameron's offer of more powers for Scotland, more control over how our country is run and how our money is spent. If that had been an option, I would have voted for it. I don't believe Cameron's offer is real but he managed to convince enough people so now we'll wait and see.

I hate to think what will happen if we don't get those powers, right now there's 1.6million unhappy people, that number will go up massively if it turns out he was bullshitting.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
law74 said:
So now the union is safe (for a while), Westminster MUST ensure that the riches of our great nation are shared between ALL the citizens of our nation in a more equitable manner, the gaps between the rich and poor MUST be narrowed, public services MUST be secured and properly financed, privatization has to stop and by tackling tax evasion and avoidance will mean that welfare reform (or attacks on the working poor) need to stop.
Don't hold your breath.

I wont be holding me breath, but I believe (or hope) that the nature of the campaign and the fact that it was very close, as recently as last week it was being predicted as too close to call, will be a wake up call to our "Lords and Masters" and that the political classes will realise that their job is to serve what is best for the people of this country and not just those that can offer the biggest donation to their party or who can offer the best "non-executive directorship" when the people sack them from office.
johnmc said:
Its been ruddy good politics though really - look at the turnout. Amazing really.

Anyway what is the "West Lothian Question" people refer to?

Scottish MPs in Westminster being able to vote on English issues eg student fees being set at £9K whilst English MPs in Westminster cannot vote on Scottish issues eg student fees being £0.
johnmc said:
Its been ruddy good politics though really - look at the turnout. Amazing really.

Anyway what is the "West Lothian Question" people refer to?
At present, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MP's have a say and can vote on matters solely involving England.
English MP's, however do NOT have the right to cast a vote or have a say on issues solely involving the other countries in the union. That right belongs to, in the case of Scotland, Scottish MP's only.

It's a call for establishing an English Parliament.

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