Should Drugs be Legalised ?

Cheesy said:
The two common legal drugs that are available are alcohol & tobacco. With these being freely available children regularly use them & abuse them, even though there are controls on their sale & use. I wouldn't want to make it any easier for kids to get to get hold of any harder drugs, so it's a no for me.
ooooooooooooohhhh yyyyeahhhhhhhhh!!!!
kronkonite said:
Cheesy said:
Kronk, why does every issue seem to come down to class with you?

sorry cheesy didn't realise i was that repetitive

suppose i'm a stepford marxist!


I was genuinely wondering by the way. After I read my post I thought that maybe it had come across wrong, but glad to see that it appears as though it didn't!
Well I understand your concerns for your kids

I feel that (as much as possible )nothing should be underground

leads to a more tolerance and understanding

(and variety of highs)!
Surely the basic question is this:

If all drugs were legalised then would people who wouldn't normally take illegal drugs suddenly decide to take them and ruin their lives?

Well, surely M-Cat is a good example to use to answer this. I've taken it, but I've also taken illegal drugs. Are there many people out there who have taken M-Cat just because they have craved the experience of the coke/E high in their lives but didn't want to experiment because they didn't want to break the law? They'll be a few no doubt but not many.

I'd say 95% of people taking M-Cat take illegal drugs as well. What I'm getting at is that if heroin, coke, LSD, cannabis and amphetamine were made legal tomorrow the same people who have always taken drugs would take the same drugs and the whole country wouldn't slowly implode amongst a mass orgy of 24/7 drug taking. Much in the same way I don't have a line of coke and a Magners on a Monday before work I won't start sprinkling heroin on my Frosties just because it's legal. People don't give their fellow man enough credit.

I don't drink whisky because I don't like it. I also don't like LSD and cannabis because it doesn't agree with me, I'm not going to start taking copious amounts just because it's legal.

As for kids geting their hands on the stuff, well they do now. At least we could put a proper age limit on it.

The Government could have monitored the M-Cat situation and it could have led to reasoned debate regarding all drugs in the future. Unfortunately, they are using it as a cheap vote winner. What's heartening is that their own advisory team think they're over-reacting.
Is this whole thing not just symptomatic of everything that is wrong with politics?

You have the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs that is made up of experts in the field, there to advise politicians (probably all with unrelated degrees in law or economics or business etc). Yet they get pretty much ignored and bypassed, so a law is rushed though soley for the purpose of creating an image to present to the public, in the run up to an election.

Listen to the people who have dedicated their lives to understanding and learning about the specific issue. Have a proper debate rather than one concerned about point scoring against the opposition, consisting of doctored and manipulated statistics and meaningless rhetoric.

I don't care about mephedrone, got no real opinion on whether or not it should be legalised, but it is so obvious that this rushed decision has been made in the wrong manner and for the wrong reasons. It's all image over substance, concerned with gaining and retaining power rather than doing what's actually best. I've got no idea who i'll vote for, but it definately won't be labour now, or the conservatives (they're right, it is time for a change, but they can fuck off, just as bad as labour).

The whole system is completely fucked up, i feel like a revolution, and i'm pretty laid back and completely sober.
I am sure there will be a mix of people on here ,who have never tried drugs ,tried em but dont like them .people who use them now & again &people who use them all the time .Just say they were made legal would that change anyones aproach to there drug taking habit
Yes they should be legalised them. I spent seven years on heroin and methadone, only getting clean after my kidneys failed which i put down not to the heroin but the shit they cut it with. At least if it was legal it would be pure.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
you legalise it, you're then making it socially acceptable to take it and put even more peer pressure on non takers as the takers become public and force their wrong beliefs on others.

imo it should be banned and if you're found with such substances locked up for a long time.
They would have to build a lot of Prisons then as a massive percentage of the population has tried ilegal substances at one time or another<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:44 pm --<br /><br />
avon barksdale said:
Yes they should be legalised them. I spent seven years on heroin and methadone, only getting clean after my kidneys failed which i put down not to the heroin but the shit they cut it with. At least if it was legal it would be pure.
Congratulations on getting of it good effort ,could not have been easy

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