
Yeah it is annoying, everytime I read someones post that says simples at the end I just get the sound and image of that meerkat doing that noise that everyone tries to do but can't!
ARSENAL stars are teasing Russian team-mate Andrey Arshavin by joking he sounds like telly's Compare The Market meerkat.
Whenever he speaks, they repeat lines from the adverts for the comparison website.
A club source revealed: "A few of the first team lads started it off and now the joke has spread around the whole club. Andrey's been getting a lot of stick over it but it's all good banter." Compare ... Andrey Arshavi

In the ads, an animated meerkat called Aleksandr Orlov with a thick East European accident has the catchphrase: "Eet's seemple."

He has become a cult hit, with half a million Facebook fans and 20,000 followers on Twitter.

Attacker Arshavin, 28, signed for the Gunners in the January transfer window for £15million from Zenit St Petersburg.

Fans hope he can follow in the footsteps of stars such as Paul Meerson, sorry, Merson.

The source added: "Andrey has seen the funny side - but I think he was a bit confused at first."

The next Simples advert should just be that fucking rat getting the shit beat out of it and set on fire.
It irritates me as much as you.

I also hate all these other internet geek-speak words like "Owned" and "Fail".
Didsbury Dave said:
It irritates me as much as you.

I also hate all these other internet geek-speak words like "Owned" and "Fail".

It's moved on from "owned" to "Pwnd".

Get with it ;-)
What doesn't make any sense to me is, why the fuck has a meerkat got a eastern european accent?

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