Stupidest thing you've witnessed at work


Well-Known Member
21 Oct 2007
With the tension of the title race and the fact that stupidity is reaching endemic levels in order to give us all a laugh what is the stupidest thing you have ever seen a colleague or customer do at work.
Watched a new Labourer trying to move an overhead crane by attempting to drag it with the cables that were attached. He was really struggling until one of the engineers showed him the on/off button that powered the crane.
A team of about 8 highly qualified analysts spending two hours while on the clock trying to figure out if they were to jump out of our office on the 14th floor, would they be able to make it to the roof of the office across the road. It got incredibly heated to the point voices were getting raised and people were getting upset that others doubted them.

If you want my take, none of them would ever make it. There were no Greg Rutherfords among them.
A team of about 8 highly qualified analysts spending two hours while on the clock trying to figure out if they were to jump out of our office on the 14th floor, would they be able to make it to the roof of the office across the road. It got incredibly heated to the point voices were getting raised and people were getting upset that others doubted them.

If you want my take, none of them would ever make it. There were no Greg Rutherfords among them.
how tempted were you to tell the ones that thought they could to test it out?
More funny than stupid. There's a lad at our work who's a great kid and the most placid bloke you'll ever meet apart from he gets wound up at the slightest thing. Wouldn't blink if the four-minute warning sounded but God forbid anyone lowers his chair or moves his pen.

For the last two months we've been turning the microwave to the lowest setting before he uses it to the inevitable tantrum. He finally clocked it yesterday, comes out of the kitchen giving it 'six fucking minutes it's taking to heat rice up, no one else is having this problem etc'. Cue everyone bursting out laughing and blowing our cover.

Nowhere near as funny when written down admittedly.
how tempted were you to tell the ones that thought they could to test it out?

Unfortunately, that high up, the windows are all sealed shut (probably sensible). But I did ask them if they had tried going outside and jumping from one pavement to the other so they could get some real data.

Really, I just wanted them to go and do it so I could take pictures and laugh at them from the window.
Last week at work.....
I work at a junior golf academy with teenagers from around the world who come from a pretty wealthy background.
One of them asked if I'd help him as he was switching houses (about 6 houses away).

I turned up with the golf cart and he hadn't packed. Next thing is he picks 2 pairs of shoes up and off he goes..... I follow him out and see he was just walking off in the direction of the house he's moving into......I call him back and said "leave them on my golf cart and let's load it up with your suitcases full of clothes"
He had no idea.....

Over Easter we had a Mexican lad stay for 2 weeks, After a week I noticed his dirty clothes were all over the closet floor. I suggested he washed them and I'd help him out if he's never used a washing machine before. He said it was OK as his mum was coming to do it the next day.....
Sure enough his mum flew from Mexico to Miami, then to Tampa, Uber to the site, washed his clothes, hotel for the night and flew back home.
I said to the boss "let her know I'll do it for $200 and save her the trouble".
More funny than stupid. There's a lad at our work who's a great kid and the most placid bloke you'll ever meet apart from he gets wound up at the slightest thing. Wouldn't blink if the four-minute warning sounded but God forbid anyone lowers his chair or moves his pen.

For the last two months we've been turning the microwave to the lowest setting before he uses it to the inevitable tantrum. He finally clocked it yesterday, comes out of the kitchen giving it 'six fucking minutes it's taking to heat rice up, no one else is having this problem etc'. Cue everyone bursting out laughing and blowing our cover.

Nowhere near as funny when written down admittedly.

Love it. I used to have a colleague I was sat next to and occasionally when he went away from his desk I would unplug his USB mouse and plug mine in instead (he was older and not very techy). When he came back, he would try and use his mouse and I would mimic his movements as closely as possible, but then when he tried to click on something nothing would happen and he would start raging about his computer being broken. I would be like "oh, let me fix it for you" and open the terminal and start typing nonsense. Then I would discretely swap the mouses (mice?) back while he was distracted (he'd usually talk to somebody else while I was doing fake tech support) and be like "all fixed".

This went on for a few months, I made sure it was just infrequent enough that he didn't take it up with IT. Eventually, one day he caught me swapping the cables out and he clocked that I had been fucking with him the whole time.
Love it. I used to have a colleague I was sat next to and occasionally when he went away from his desk I would unplug his USB mouse and plug mine in instead (he was older and not very techy). When he came back, he would try and use his mouse and I would mimic his movements as closely as possible, but then when he tried to click on something nothing would happen and he would start raging about his computer being broken. I would be like "oh, let me fix it for you" and open the terminal and start typing nonsense. Then I would discretely swap the mouses (mice?) back while he was distracted (he'd usually talk to somebody else while I was doing fake tech support) and be like "all fixed".

This went on for a few months, I made sure it was just infrequent enough that he didn't take it up with IT. Eventually, one day he caught me swapping the cables out and he clocked that I had been fucking with him the whole time.

That's outstanding. We need a new one now we've been rumbled on the microwave.

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