Surreal Moments at City Games

Gary James

Well-Known Member
21 Feb 2008
There's a bit of doom and gloom around the world at the moment so let's try and lighten things here (for a few moments at least). I saw the thread about the Chicken Man (see: ) and it got me thinking about other surreal moments at City. I'm thinking about odd things that have happened which have lightened the mood or been a bit of a distraction from negativity. Obviously, there's the banana craze and fancy dress games but what about other moments that maybe some of us remember and others think 'surely that didn't happen?'

I'll start with one: Norman Wisdom on the pitch in full City kit plus flat cap (and yes, those of us on the Kippax did genuinely think it was Peter Reid wearing a flat cap for some reason when he first came out!). Norman was promoting a golf competition and he basically larked around on the pitch for a bit. He took a penalty and of course fell over.

20 years ago when I was writing Farewell To Maine Road an elderly fan told me about a character she called Hoppy. The nickname is not very PC BUT the story is that 'Hoppy' had one leg and before many home games in the inter-war period he used to hop around the pitch. He'd do a full lap of the pitch and be cheered all the way around it. She thought that he'd lost his leg in WW1 and thinks he may have been doing it to raise money for a charity, but apart from her memory I've never managed to find any other evidence of Hoppy.

So, go on, what other surreal or odd moments can we think of?
I think it was Huddersfield away I think in the FA Cup in the late 80s. A very typical City performance, battering them but couldn't hit a barn door with a banjo. And the ref didn't help!!! It got so bad that a City fan, his leg in plaster up to his hip, threw one of his crutches at the ref, narrowly missing him. It all ends with four burly coppers trying to carry this bloke off down the touchline plaster cast and all!!
Remember a streaker running on the pitch against Oldham at Maine Road, they were battering us 3-1 in the 98/99 season. Gareth Taylor had missed a hateful of chances and this bloke runs on starlk bollock naked from the North Stand, grabs the ball and smashes it in the net just to show Gareth how it's done. Oh the joys of the old third division.
I'll start with one: Norman Wisdom on the pitch in full City kit plus flat cap (and yes, those of us on the Kippax did genuinely think it was Peter Reid wearing a flat cap for some reason when he first came out!). Norman was promoting a golf competition and he basically larked around on the pitch for a bit. He took a penalty and of course fell over.
Resemblance is uncanny!

Actually seeing Corradi score (twice FFS, if I remember correctly?) against Fulham, and Barton knighting him with the corner flag, was pretty surreal!
I remember at 18 convincing myself Corradi was an amazing signing.

Life was harder back then.

Also, I dont care if I'm the only one that thinks this, that all blue strip with the white sleeves was fantastic.

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