That’s it, problem solved.

I had an 'issue' with the club a few years back that caused a problem for myself and two kids. Having complained through Supporter Services, I received a very nice telephone call from the club, acknowledging the matter, giving an apology and offering free tickets for a matchday nosebag in 'Legends'. Two free tickets for three of us...

I felt a bit awkward trying to explain that, as my kids were too young to go on their own, I would need three tickets. The caller said that they could only offer me two tickets and to avoid looking completely ungrateful or churlish, I accepted the offer.

The thing is that, while the apology itself felt genuine, it was clear that the caller wasn't really interested in how or why the 'issue' arose, and I doubted very much that anything would be done to ensure that someone else may not be similarly affected in the future. The offer of two free 'Legends' tickets felt like a standard compensation offer, like (say) an insurance company sending a hamper or box of chocolates after making an error.

It's a business. Cold and hard when it needs to be, but with a slightly softer centre when they make a mistake.

I decided that day that I wouldn't ever pay any more money into the club than the cost of our season cards. That's the best advice I would give to the OP in respect of his 'issue' with the club.

As for 'Legends'... It was meh. The best part is the free car park. Like most hospitality / corporate locations at City, it was full of people who only watch the first half of the match and spend the second half hoovering up the dinner scraps. If they offer you a freebie in there, at least you'll have the seating section to yourself.

We go to football to watch a match. Leave the hospitality etc to the corporate wankers.
It was a prick that acted like a prick. I don't think a club can be blamed for the actions of one individual.

I would have asked for his name, took evidence in the form of photos, asked other users if they were put out by your shorts and taken testimonials. I would not have left the area until I had spoken to a manager written to the club stating my embarrassment and laid out clearly what compensation I required.

Good luck in your retirement, life is short.
Good luck in your retirement, life is SHORTS.

No need to rub it in he'd had a shitty day already.

Hopefully the Club see sense, make a massive apology and you change your mind. The Club reconsider the dress code and importantly distribute the information because of your experience.
I had an 'issue' with the club a few years back that caused a problem for myself and two kids. Having complained through Supporter Services, I received a very nice telephone call from the club, acknowledging the matter, giving an apology and offering free tickets for a matchday nosebag in 'Legends'. Two free tickets for three of us...

I felt a bit awkward trying to explain that, as my kids were too young to go on their own, I would need three tickets. The caller said that they could only offer me two tickets and to avoid looking completely ungrateful or churlish, I accepted the offer.

The thing is that, while the apology itself felt genuine, it was clear that the caller wasn't really interested in how or why the 'issue' arose, and I doubted very much that anything would be done to ensure that someone else may not be similarly affected in the future. The offer of two free 'Legends' tickets felt like a standard compensation offer, like (say) an insurance company sending a hamper or box of chocolates after making an error.

It's a business. Cold and hard when it needs to be, but with a slightly softer centre when they make a mistake.

I decided that day that I wouldn't ever pay any more money into the club than the cost of our season cards. That's the best advice I would give to the OP in respect of his 'issue' with the club.

As for 'Legends'... It was meh. The best part is the free car park. Like most hospitality / corporate locations at City, it was full of people who only watch the first half of the match and spend the second half hoovering up the dinner scraps. If they offer you a freebie in there, at least you'll have the seating section to yourself.

We go to football to watch a match. Leave the hospitality etc to the corporate wankers.
You discuss the wider issue of hospitality at City, And i suppose it is the same at football in general. I have pondered it on occasion but always prefer the option of a restaurant in Town, and a late taxi to the ground. Less expensive and I imagine better food.
The idea of those people leaving to get a nosebag before half time and returning 10 mins late to their seat is one I struggle with.
I have been boxed a few times, and drunk far too much , but you don't miss the main event.
I had the same misfortune and this was only for the Ardwicks so called hospitality "pub". For the Arsenal game this time It was also a nice day and I was wearing Chino-like shorts. Smart enough.

I was told to go over to Asda and pick a pair of Jeans which I reluctantly did and on my returns there was also people wearing shorts to add to my annoyance. I echo @tolmie's hairdoo comment and wonder had I been a female would there have been any discretion especially with the embarrassment of getting undressed. It seems like this isnt the only example where the club has lost touch and as a consequence fans are losing their love for attending, regardless of how good we are.

Long gone are the days of going to the Oasis in Platt Lane for proper hospitality, that had a decent welcome, wearing what I want and enjoying a nice pre match meal before the final walk along Yew Tree Road to Kippax with my Dad and late Grandad.

Perhaps unlike the female you have really ugly, put you off the ale, knees!
Thank you all for your remarks even the funny ones, I can laugh at my self at the best of times. You’ve given me a lot to think over, there are three loves in my life, City, Music and my wife and family. That’s the way it’s been and will stay, also just to confirm since that day website details on dress codes have been updated along with our new app details which are sent to your phone. I didn’t know there were toilets in the City square or I would have used them for sure. The staff at City are fantastic with us and the guy who confronted me was doing his job I know, if it hadn’t been for others around me wearing shorts then I wouldn’t have bothered either. The memo that wasn’t sent on the day to supporters was probably not sent due to a mix up, i just thought everyone should know what’s allowed.

thank you all again here on Blue Moon the best fan site in the U.K.
To all the loyal supporters who have attended like myself over the last 35 years week in week out, I’m sorry to say but I’m bowing out and wish you all the best with this and up and coming seasons.
Reason being the dreadful experience I had forced upon me at home against Southampton.
let me explain if you will, over the many years in the Kippax and South stand, I upgraded to corporate in the 1894 suite. Now those who attend that suite will know it is what I would call at the bottom of the barrel corporate wise, looking more like a truckers diner. However it does have the best seats opposite the owners which make up for the shabby surrounds and awful food on offer.
So back to the match which was if you remember on what was the warmest day we’ve had in years, me and my business partner got dropped off as we were making a day of it and intended to drink a lot more etc. Everyone was happy and excited as we past security and entered the main entrance, that was until I saw this guy run like the clappers from the back wall to confront me. “Your not coming in here dressed like that” looking confused I asked whoever not ? “Shorts - no Shorts”. No don’t get me wrong I had no idea you couldn’t wear shorts as this was probably the first time ever I had wore any. These were cotton dress shorts not football or the cloth type, together with a shirt and loafers shoes.
I explained I hadn’t any idea and would never wear them again, but this guy a proper jobsworth was having none of it, I asked what were my option on which he replied get some tracksuit bottoms from Asda. I mean Asda tracky bottoms really ☹️.
As we were meeting up with people for a meal and wasnt getting anywhere with this guy, I set off to the supporters store to buy some from there if they had any to fit me. Being 5ft 5” my legs are not the longest and nothing ever fits me lol. I did however find a pair on the rack rather expensive by hey ho needs must. Off I walked to the changing rooms to try them on. Only to be told there are no changing rooms open today. What am I to do I asked, you’ll have to change outside was the reply.
much to the amusement of the 1000’s of fans outside City square I was down to my undies and put the Tracky bottoms on with my loafer, no those who can remember Max Wall will understand how I looked, and the looks and laughter from the aether fans never stopped. I felt like digging a hole and jumping in it.

We finally got into the suite although to late to get our meal, but just time for a pint. I spent 10 minutes explaining why I looked like I did, and everyone agreed Tracky bottoms look far worse than shorts. We made our way to the seats and got ready for the game, I looked around to see at least half a dozen fans with shorts on which made me fume as you can understand. I did manage to take a sneaky photo of one in Adidas shorts with stripes on the side, I could hardly walk round taking photos here and there without getting into trouble.

HT came and into the suite I went to confront our corporate manager who was nowhere to be seen, I found out later she was off on the day.

At full time I pointed out others in shorts walking out to the staff on the door, they apologised and said they must have got through on the quiet etc.
They said a memo should have been sent out on the day but someone forgot to send it.
Now it’s not the money I had to part with or the meal I missed, it’s just down to the embarrassing position I was put in by to me is a crazy rule. I’m 60 in a couple of months and can do without being made to look like a stupid clown for anyone.

Dress shorts are smart dress and worn by both men and women and should be allowed on such days, footy shorts and tracksuit bottoms are a no.
I see the state of some of the players guests heading towards their private boxes and they look a state. The update rule says no shorts or tracksuits which I presume excludes track suit bottoms. You couldn’t make it up honest. So it’s one rule for them and one rule for us, and on that note I will not put another penny in the clubs coffers, not that they need it. I will be giving my seat to friends to attend as the last thing we need is more empty seats. My complaint has been sent in to my corporate assistant, who’s hands are tied. Not that I blame her one bit, at the end of the day if half a dozen fans turned up in shorts and were told not to do it again would it really matter.

Take care all you City fans, love City and always will although from a distance from now on.

And quite right also. We don’t want riff raff in our club.
Joking of course.
Like many have said you have come up against some prize tit, write in and complain but put it behind you. Reminds me of a few years back went to a really nice hotel Crete and the dress policy was long trousers for dinner. I ignored this and only packed shorts, of course nice smart dress shorts with shirt and loafers, feeling pretty cool the first night ready to indulge in the showcase buffet I was turned away, explained I only had shorts packed and was told had to be long no exceptions. The rest of the holiday I would put a pair of my girlfriends jeans on for dinner, cropped jeans as well, they wouldn’t fasten and nor would the zip, I looked a complete twat but he let me in looking like that rather than allow shorts. Life is full of these traffic warden wannabes. Don’t let him spoil your love of city.

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