The Conservative Party/Government

Starmer’s only has two choices, blame the tories as to why he can’t be a socialist or be a socialist.

The first one might buy him some grace but I’ll be surprised if he can keep a lid on things for a second term without showing far more socialist tendencies.

I suppose there is the third option, he can always just be the Tory he currently is.

Personally I am going to belay my concerns and vote for him and see what he comes up with, whatever the outcome it's going to be an interesting GE when the Tory lite take power and the infighting begins.

I'm all for change though as long as it isn't too radical.
Some positive news. Surprised this hasn’t been posted/discussed already…

…even in the context of what it might mean for an incoming Labour Government and their plans. Especially given how quick they are to say how they can’t do owt due to the state of the economy.
Desperate post , the tories have fucked the economy and all of us , bet you dont post about fourteen years of austerity and why we are in the shit with every service fucked
Dont say it , covid and ukraine is the reason we are fucked and not the other ten years the tories had no excuses for

I didn’t say it because that wasn’t my question. My question was “are you saying the economy is fucked because of austerity?”. Put another way I am merely asking if your premise is one of large state will economically outperform a small state.

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