The flaw why we won't win title

york away to this! said:
jayfx said:
Just reading the pundits predictions on the bbc website, and Garth Crooks (on why City will fall short) says "I have interviewed Manuel Pellegrini for Football Focus and in that interview he revealed the flaw in his campaign and why he will not win the Premier League title"

Anyone know what the flaw is or his reasons for why we won't win?

it's supposed to be flap, not flaw...
Piss flap?
KippaxCitizen said:
york away to this! said:
jayfx said:
Just reading the pundits predictions on the bbc website, and Garth Crooks (on why City will fall short) says "I have interviewed Manuel Pellegrini for Football Focus and in that interview he revealed the flaw in his campaign and why he will not win the Premier League title"

Anyone know what the flaw is or his reasons for why we won't win?

it's supposed to be flap, not flaw...
Piss flap?

Garth Crooks is a piss flap.
Blue Mist said:
The flaw(s) is/are obvious:

We are not the media darlings dipperpool
We do not have a rent a quote manager like Jose
We do not have 3 trillion supporters who the media have to fawn to and a new turtle head as a manager.

Unfortunately we only have the best team in the League so I guess we are f*cked.
I'd guess Crooks asked one of his usual questions which last about an hour and contained in it a potential reason we wouldn't win the league. Manuel dozed off part way through and when he woke up, just said 'Si' to pretend he'd been listening
My favourite story about Garth Crooks is when the doorman at the swamp told him his loan deal was not going to be made permanent before he went in to be offically told! From all reports he had absolutely no idea about it until the doorman told him.
Does anyone really care what this toss-pot thinks or says.

I mean Crooks of course and not M.P.
TGR said:
My favourite story about Garth Crooks is when the doorman at the swamp told him his loan deal was not going to be made permanent before he went in to be offically told! From all reports he had absolutely no idea about it until the doorman told him.

I'd actually forgotten he went there on loan but having looked it up it was the season after Luton relegated us and I never took much notice of the top flight when we were out of it.

It'll be something daft like Manuel saying we're having a serious go at the CL and Crooks thinks we can't win both.
I remember Crooks fat face full of venom on football focus when Balotelli scored that cheeky goal with his shoulder , comments like " there's no place for antics like that in English football " .'d have thought Mario had shit in his cornflakes

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