"They are all as bad as each other"


El Presidente
10 Jan 2005
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RCD Espanyol
This statement is creeping more and more into use and it disturbs me. Its false equivalence, a logical fallacy that different things are the same. It stands alongside "they are all in it for themselves" as what I consider a threat to democracy.

I am certain there may well be individuals who enter politics for their own personal gain, but I am equally certain that the overwhelming majority of MPs enter politics to do good and serve the people. Seeing as how "doing good" is now derided by certain elements of our media and these people are dismissed as "do-gooders" the narrative or false equivalence is that people must in fact enter politics to "do bad" and are therefore in politics for themselves and therefore all politicians are the same.

My political views are well known on here, I am a strident Leftist, yet I still believe those of a different political persuasion to my own are politicians for the right reasons. Even politicians who I categorically disagree with on every level such as Sajid Javid and even Starmer to an extent are politicians who I do believe and hope hold real conviction that what they are trying to do is in the national interest.

Why does this disturb me, well, I see our democracy being eroded by these statements and trust in politicians is low, that has to change. If trust in our politicians and our democratic system is continually eroded that leads down one road, Authoritarianism, be that from the left or right. A truism of British politics is that however bad things are, they could get much much worse. Of course there are reasons why trust is diminishing, we have just been through a damaging Premiership, austerity seems never ending, Brexit has ignited flames in the nation, there are stories of corruption and of course there are the never ending divisive culture wars. The will of the people became a destructive agent of anti Parliamentarianism. All the while most of us are getting poorer and the post WW2 consensus ideal of every generation being richer than the previous generation has faded away whilst our MPs are given pay rises most of us would never dream of receiving. MPs expenses are still scrutinised closely and quite rightly after the damaging revelations of the expenses scandal.

I saw my own MP in her surgery, she is a Conservative and I had an issue I wanted an answer to. Whilst we were chatting away, I told her I had not voted for her and had never voted Tory in my life, she smiled and explained her job was to represent all her constituents not just those who had voted for her. I found that immensely encouraging and within the week I received a letter from a Minister explaining in great detail why a certain policy was introduced and also saying that my issue would be looked at further. That made me feel that our government was available to the people, ass rightly it should be because we are a democracy. If democracy fails none of us have that right to redress. We will be told what is being done and that is that.

I have a feeling, but no proof that the agenda of "they are all the same" is a nefarious attempt by some of our many libertarian free tanks to further erode our democracy so that they claim it for themselves and it is the financial backers of these think tanks that want this, they do not want Democracy as that can hold them to account.

Below is a passage from the Sovereign Individual

"New technologies will allow the holders of wealth to bypass the national monopolies that have issued and regulated money in the modern period. [...] Their importance for controlling the world's wealth will be transcended by mathematical algorithms that have no physical existence. In the new millennium, cyber money controlled by private markets will supersede fiat money issued by governments. Only the poor will be victims of inflation"

Concentrate on "only the poor" then think about why democracy is devalued by classing all politicians as the same and thinking they are all in it for themselves.

Without democratic accountability the Sovereign individual reigns and they do not give two fucks about you.
Everything is so binary and entrenched in this post-truth world. There is little room for nuance, reflection or honest debate. You are either on one side or the other of any particular ethical or policy question and once you pick your side, then increasingly thats where you stay.
The likes of Trump, Johnson, Bannon and Cummings have been quicker than their rivals to harness the potential of data and social media as a tool to double down on that oldest of political tactics by the ruling elite - divide and conquer.
Fair play to anyone who can see through the bullshit. They’re not all the same, as the OP says.
I’ve met loads of politicians in my time and I’ve found that in particular, those on all sides who aren’t harbouring ministerial or cabinet ambitions are usually much less likely to be corrupted by need to go along to get along.
I think a lot of people have left reason far behind them. They don't want to face reality, as it's too painful. There's too much change, and it feels as if the world is 'out of control'. They yearn for certainty. In some cases, they yearn for England to be what it was in 1955 or 1962.

This is why so many people fall for simple 'solutions' that are not solutions. Like believing Brexit would stop immigration. It will not because the driver of immigration is economic, not political. Tory politicians, in particular, have been promising to halt or limit immigration since the 1960s, to my certain knowledge. They never have and never will. Because it isn't practicable to do so.

The latest populist obsession is 'cutting taxes'. I understand that desire. But what people don't get is that cutting taxes in our current circumstances must and will add to inflation. It will not gain ordinary folk much, if anything.

The world is a very complex place, and people, in general, do not have the patience (even if they have the intellect) to analyse all the issues. Why should they? They're too busy earning a living and living their lives. What they want is politicians who say - we will pull this lever, and it will sort things out for you.

It's made worse by the fact that both main parties are very broad coalitions. This means that both are full of inherent contradictions. So people perceive them as liars, as neither can tell a coherent tale. Both are trying to be all things to all men (and women) as they try to win the support of the largest minority. Our stupid, outdated voting system means they have to be like this. It's the only way they can hope to gain power. Even the third party, the Lib Dems, trim their sails in different areas, depending on whether they are seeking Tory or Labour votes. It's a fundamentally dishonest system.

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