Time Travel

Perhaps when you have all of time to travel in, this period of history is just a bit boring.
If that is the case then it doesn't exist in our reality.
If we are all gone then it's irrelevant because unless we discover it it is meaningless.
Maybe it is discovered, but the technology is owned by a super rich multiglobal corporation who only use it for evil deeds and profiteering.
If it was possible to travel through time (excepting the fact we are all doing exactly that right now), why haven't we met anyone who's here from a different age?

I've heard it mooted that we'd need to actually invent time travel and have the equipment available before anyone from the future could come back.
Personally I think it's a load of bollocks and just an excuse for wanting to believe time travel will exist in the future.
Talk about time travelling, there is a great TV show that involves time travel with James Franco, based on a Stephen King novel.
just remember DNA we can look at the family jeans so why not
could be something in other than just your past health a records of time your visions stored in the minds what happens to them like a memory card you can access lost stuff if you know how the brain is a living memory card and a little bit of info must be record the basic things you remember all your living life. I feel we as humans forget to use our minds when little just learning the skills of walking and talking are the main things parents do to push there baby forward. but they must know so much more and soak up so much info in them first months that they just
turn off and just get lazy

funny thing is when my daughter had her 4th son he was so like my brother who we lost in the 1970s the bond between him and me is like nothing from the other grandkids
he even got the looks of my brother who died. he's defo been here before knows so much about life and is only 7 talks like a old man things you would never in a million years think a 7 year old should know he is so quick to and can read and write better than me. he sits on my knee when am on the computer he's reading what on doing talks to me about it and ask things you think what WHAT

I know you will says its just a family thing but when I tall you my brother was in a wheel chair and born with a mentally illness and learning disability could not speak and talk or walk and died a very young age. he could not be any different to my grandson and even my other brother said the same thing about him and me
You read it here first, folks. Conclusive proof that time travel is a reality - someone is similar to someone else.

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