Tories win Copeland b-election.


Well-Known Member
16 Apr 2010
111 this time around
Wow. Big political news. Labour have held the seat since it was created in 1983, and it's the first time a sitting government has won a by-election since 1982. I bet May will be under pressure to call a General Election while Labour are struggling, and certainly before they replace Corbyn.

The spin doctors will be working hard this morning. Corbyn will be trying hard to concentrate on Stoke!

Ops - can a mod please sort the thread title for me please?
Dreadful result for Corbyn, sadly there's no opposition party as such.

I do quite like most of Corbyn's ideals but he's part idiot and villified within the media and will never amount to anything.
Dreadful result for Corbyn, sadly there's no opposition party as such.

I do quite like most of Corbyn's ideals but he's part idiot and villified within the media and will never amount to anything.
I dreams about an idealism that will never be elected. Labour are virtually invisible as opposition and a Shadow Cabinet of unknowns. They'll be lucky to be third in the next election.
If he had any dignity he will resign by lunchtime and the holiest than thou purist left factions will disappear back into the wilderness where they belong. Neither will happen. Time for a new centrist party focussed on social justice ASAP...
Great for the Tories. Shite for the electorate. A representative democracy needs a strong opposition and Corbyn has ruined Labour despite what some strange people on here think 'as he fills town halls and has boosted party membership'.

Have Labour got it in them to have another coup? And when will the hard left realise that its ideology is dead as far as normal people are concerned?
Great for the Tories. Shite for the electorate. A representative democracy needs a strong opposition and Corbyn has ruined Labour despite what some strange people on here think 'as he fills town halls and has boosted party membership'.

Have Labour got it in them to have another coup? And when will the hard left realise that its ideology is dead as far as normal people are concerned?
Another 'coup' would only result in the same, particularly if it was as badly organised as the last one. He needs to resign, I doubt he has the self awareness and nous to do that though.
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I fail to see what Corbyn does wrong - seems a man of honest principles, honest integrity, continually holds the Tories to account on the issues of NHS, privatisation of our services, put anti austerity on the National agenda, forced the Tories to reverse 4.5 billion of welfare cuts, massively increased the Labour Party membership - would Owen Smith, Harriot Harman etc really be a better opposition leader ? Who would have been ?
- people that say they want a stronger opposition leader ... what do they actual want ?
Fair to say, the country has leaned centre right and that's where we're comfortable, hence why you could argue Labour need someone like Tony Blair .. and who wants that ?!
Electorally, Corbyn is a liability. But the Labour membership love him. Do they not want to get back to being the party of government?

That's the real question isn't it? The 'far' left of the Labour party have always seemed happier when they're just a protest party. Not good for them & not good for the country (and I say that as someone who is just right of centre).
I think it is to do with the local dynamics largely. Corbyn and his guardian reading luvvies in Islington and Brighton want to turn their light switches on and know the light was made by the sea or the wind or the farts of fairies. People in that constituency largely depend on nuclear power for their livelihood and jobs , why on earth would you vote labour and risk unemployment.

They also need to sort out who goes on tv as their spokespeople, Owen jones seems to have become the Labour Party spokesman and he is just a nob.

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