U.S. launch air strikes against Syria

To be honest this does have a question mark over it, main reasoning being that with russia supporting them Assad was doing well, so why use chemical weapons? Why risk it?, I do think he had used them in the past mind you but when he was truly up shit creek.

There is no doubt in my mind trump only did this to boost his approval ratings.

Yes it does seem an idiotic thing to do if you are in Assads shoes, but dictators often make rash and costly decisions, look at Hitler attacking Russia and how he thought it would turn out. Russia wasnt by any means his only utter brain fart.

No question this was chemical munitions dropped by the aircraft that the Yanks say dropped them and from the base the Yanks have struck.
59 cruise missiles yet the site is still operational? That's bizarre. I thought the area would have been obliterated.
I am of the opinion that Donald got played on this one,
I seriously doubt Assad or anyone in his military dropped CWs, the ONLY ones to gain were the "Rebels", who either released gas after a raid or more likely had it stashed in the area and it got hit.
Assad pledged publicly that he wouldn't use chemical weapons against his own people, then in 2013 dropped Sarin gas killing over 1000 (including over 400 children).

He did this knowing that the effects of the odorless Sarin gas are nose running, eyes streaming, blurred vision, mouth drooling, tightening of the chest accompanied by convulsions and paralysis, followed by death.

I'm not prepared to give Assad the benefit of the doubt on this one. He has previous on this, and even if it was the rebels who used the gas (despite the Russians telling us there was none available) then surely attempting to clear that site was still the right thing to do. It doesn't bother me whether Trump got played or not, removing the opportunity for these weapons to be used must take precedence over political point scoring.
59 cruise missiles yet the site is still operational? That's bizarre. I thought the area would have been obliterated.
Yep, Tomahawk missiles aren't the weapon of choice for putting runways out of service. They're much more effective at targeted strikes on buildings etc.
Must really hurt you that within 4 months Trump has done more to halt Assad than Obama did in 8 long years.

Must really hurt.
Are you kidding me? Did you ACTUALLY say "halt Assad"?!

It doesn't hurt me one iota, and I'm not sure why you think it should? It was a photo op...sitting with Xi while talking about N Korea as 59 missiles flew into Syria. Do you understand staging and political theatre?

As for hurting, haven't you heard....he's been great for my portfolio even while making himself look like an incompetent boob. Hurt me some more!
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I didn't so nobody was allowed, I said I would be amused to see the people who buy into this incredibly obvious bullshit attempt to further warp reality to make this move fit into it.

"He's so much of a Russian puppet that he directly is hurting their interests" is a courageous line to run with, as Sir Humphrey would say.

"He's so much of a Russian puppet that he warned the Russians to move out to make sure he didn't kill any of them and start a global nuclear war" is another one.

I just enjoy the gymnastics at this point and am simultaneously amused and impressed by the creativity and righteousness with which they're used.
This entire political theatre has done literally nothing to harm the Russia relationship, because it was ALWAYS based on Trumps own financial self-interests and those of his close friends, NOT U.S. geopolitical interests.

As for Trump & Putin, it is not a relationship of equals as much as it is a relationship built on "you know me and my financial interests, and I have helped a few of your buddies launder money through my companies in America, so let's not fuck it up for either of us." Sadly for Trump, Putin's real wealth is of such a greater magnitude that Trump may soon be considered a bug on his windshield, IF he doesn't straighten up and get with the program! THAT might be a cause for geopolitical concern down the line.

The other thing it makes me ponder is whether the Jew or the anti-Semite is winning the battle for Trump's ear and thus empty head. From the cheap seats, it appears the Jew is winning...but then he married the daughter-wife and the anti-Semite just created his propaganda machine, and he doesn't need that as much anymore.
I am of the opinion that Donald got played on this one,
I seriously doubt Assad or anyone in his military dropped CWs, the ONLY ones to gain were the "Rebels", who either released gas after a raid or more likely had it stashed in the area and it got hit.

"Someone" wanted trouble between Russian and the USA, given that Trump had gone after Obama for not taking action when a "Red line" had been crossed it was not much of a push to trick him into taking action, he would certainly not have gotten reliable intelligence from the alphabets ( CIA, NSA, ect) who he has been at loggerheads with since taking office, this one stinks.

Not that I am claimimg the following to be true as no official investigation has been done and eye witness reports are mixed but this is mainly what's being said

Western media and other news
  • The syrian army dropped a chemical missile
  • these attacks were launched from the.airbase that still has a chemical store
  • this missile was aimed at a civilian area
  • pentagon pictures show crator marks where the missiles hit dispelling claims that they were targeting a weapons depot
  • first responders on the site have pictures of victims (men women and children) exhibiting signs of a chemical agent.
  • Assad admits to bombimg the area, russia have confirmed this.
Other media outlets not specifically western (but not russian)
  • No reason or sense to jepordise near total victory over rebels with an attack like this
  • observers claim shipment of gas masks was sent to area week before in turn local journo who supports the rebels tweet 24hr before he would be reporting on chemical weapons attacks in commimg weeks
  • One of the biggest American senetors calling for more american action in syria and was most vocal yesterday John McCain made several visits prior to the attack to speak to local rebel groups visiting that area only last week
  • The first responders were the white helmets, a group that is heavily funded by USAID and formed by an ex Nato commander and has been accused of fabricating images and propaganda and of war crimes in aleppo by non assad affiliated groups and medical aid groups from sweden who witnessed stages events.
  • Also the first responder wore no chemical protection yet suffered no ill effects.

Now this is the problem with Syria, everyone is either lying or obstructing investigations to suit their own way they want the war to turn out, no one know what is really happening on the ground.

I have already said whoever perpitrated the use of chemical weapons need the harshest punishment possible, but this war is so fucked up it's unbelievable, we may never know who did what.

While the 2 super powers are using the middle east as a staging ground for their dick swinging contest more poor soul will suffer, maybe it's time the major powers were barred from seats at the security council and let coumtries with no interest in land grabs andoverseas conflict rum the thing.

Additionally like the land mine and CW treaties, maybe it's time a global treaty banning areal warfare was also thought up, dropping bombs or firing missile of any kind has caused so much death and destruction indiscriminately.
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