United and Liverpool EFL project - proposal rejected

The everyone paying into a pot for ground refurbishment grants that the powerful 9 get first dibs on. Which one of the all deciding top clubs is currently playing in a crumbling wreck of a ground with holes in the roof and hospitality that looks like an old social club from the 80s? Isn’t this club financially in the shit because of its owners leveraging debt against buying the club? They can ensure they can pay stupid transfer fees for players but they can’t keep the up keep if their ground. Why the fuck should the rest of the premier league have to pay for this?
With all the focus and outrage at Ferran mentioning in an interview thinking B teams in lower leagues would be good (not that i agree), i pretty much missed these far more wholescale and actual proposals.

Seems totally fair, the PL would help out the lower leagues financially at an unfortunate time of need, and all a few will ask for in return is absolute say on everything, by only 6 clubs (down from 14) needed to implement changes and block new owners. Nothing dodgy in that at all.

The other changes, some good in there, some money making driven but not bad as such. But the big one is the control aspect. No doubt a power grab.
I don't buy or rarely read any papers now, but it seems that the actual enemy to the English game (fsg and the rest of the American high rollers) are getting attention - read it quick before it gets shut down

They want to negotiate tv deals themselves and you can bet they will make sure top end teams get much more than lower table teams for the cake.

Any club between 10-20 in PL should vote against it for sure as they are the biggest possible losers in terms of revenue, PL place and actual power and rights regarding rules, changes etc.

I hope those owners will be standing up to Henry Glazer maffia.
This proposal would end any fairy tail stories or hope of Championship clubs following in the foot steps of Wolves and establishing themselves as a PL club competing in Europe. Removal of parachute payments will make promoted teams think twice about investing in transfer fees and wages and the redistribution of TV money would lower the quality of transfer targets. That said, the removal of parachute payments would put an end to the yoyo club culture which bores the shit out of me, but I must stress I'm against the whole proposal.

It says it all when 2 yanks have brought this proposal to the table.
I don't buy or rarely read any papers now, but it seems that the actual enemy to the English game (fsg and the rest of the American high rollers) are getting attention - read it quick before it gets shut down

Considering The Sun has been up Liverpool s backside for 3 decades now that is quite extraordinary. All true but still extraordinary.

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