What book are you reading now / or recommend?

speccybob 8 said:
doomuk said:
speccybob 8 said:
Just started the 3rd book of the Farseer trilogy. After that it'll be the Oslo trilogy. Then onto book 4 of The Game of Thrones

There's 9 books in the 'complete' Farseer trilogy and I highley recommend you read then all.
The best books I've EVER read. The final 3 are just awe inspiring.

They go:-
The Farseer Trioligy - with fitz and the fool.
The Liveship Traders - does not feature fitz and is in 3rd person but is along the same timeline and in the same world.
It is very much connected to the Farseer Trioligy but you don't realise it until the next Trioligy.
Then finally The Tawney Man Trilogy - features Fitz and the fool and is the end of the current set but another 3 are on their way.

You don't need to read Liveship traders but it is connected to the Farseer series and worth reading the full 9.

I can't recommend these enough as it was these books, especially the Tawney Man ones, which made me fall in love with reading.

Cheers mate!! On book 7 of Game of Thrones now so will need something new soon.

If you want to try something new give Joe Abercrombie a try. Best fantasy fiction since David Gemmell
speccybob 8 said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
All you book readers, I've read everything worth reading. Read 'Shantaram' and come back here and tell me it's not the best book you've ever read.

The Dice Man is probably the best standalone (Is that a word?) book I've read.

Except it's not standalone. It was followed up by Search for the Dice Man and The Adventures of Wim. You should read them if you enjoyed The Dice Man. Both good.
jimmy blue shoes said:
speccybob 8 said:
doomuk said:
There's 9 books in the 'complete' Farseer trilogy and I highley recommend you read then all.
The best books I've EVER read. The final 3 are just awe inspiring.

They go:-
The Farseer Trioligy - with fitz and the fool.
The Liveship Traders - does not feature fitz and is in 3rd person but is along the same timeline and in the same world.
It is very much connected to the Farseer Trioligy but you don't realise it until the next Trioligy.
Then finally The Tawney Man Trilogy - features Fitz and the fool and is the end of the current set but another 3 are on their way.

You don't need to read Liveship traders but it is connected to the Farseer series and worth reading the full 9.

I can't recommend these enough as it was these books, especially the Tawney Man ones, which made me fall in love with reading.

Cheers mate!! On book 7 of Game of Thrones now so will need something new soon.

If you want to try something new give Joe Abercrombie a try. Best fantasy fiction since David Gemmell

Spot on. Just finished Red Country (the 6th in the series). It is simply a breath of fresh air in the fantasy/fiction arena. The line between good and evil is almost non-existant and the story lines don't follow the classic pattern. The humour and brutality follow twists seamlessly alongside each other. The character of inquisitor Glokta is absolutely fascinating while Ninefingers is the toughest bloke ever. Top notch read. Been looking for similar writers and am currently half way through Black Company series by Glen Cook but it is pale in comparison.
This summer I seemed to read a load of books, its petered off a bit now as I'm busier. The.ones I read were:

The pillars of the earth - historical fantasy type book. Thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like this sort of thing is recommended it. It's very in depth, spans a number of generations and pretty Damn involving. Not usually my cup of tea, but a friend recommended it

Blink - about subconscious thought. Very interesting, offers anecdotes on how subconscious thought processes can be very reliable in some cases and tragically unreliable in others. Discusses learned responses which become instinctive and how over thinking problems can produce very mediocre results.

Freakanomics - interesting book about non financial economic research such as crime, abortion etc. Interesting, but I can't help but feel that the authors knew they were on to a formula and went s little ad nauseum.

City boy - awful awful book written for shock value. Author comes across as holier than thou and as being an immense hypocrite. If you like reading about investment bankers hoovering coke up their nose and shagging prostitutes then its for you. Financial football factory with probably very little verisimilitude.

Just started Daniel kahneman's New book. He writes a lot about human irrationality and cognitive impairment, so far excellent
paul.manc said:
Looking for something new- anyone read American Psyscho?

It's ok but I wouldn't read it twice. It successfully portrays young rich, young Americans as immoral, insensitive, obsessed with appearance and lacking any empathy with human beings. At times it is very funny.

It doesn't spare the detail when it comes to the murder scenes - if you're squeamish it isn't an easy read but then again it wasn't designed to be.<br /><br />-- Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:47 pm --<br /><br />
roaminblue said:
This summer I seemed to read a load of books, its petered off a bit now as I'm busier. The.ones I read were:

The pillars of the earth - historical fantasy type book. Thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like this sort of thing is recommended it. It's very in depth, spans a number of generations and pretty Damn involving. Not usually my cup of tea, but a friend recommended it

Blink - about subconscious thought. Very interesting, offers anecdotes on how subconscious thought processes can be very reliable in some cases and tragically unreliable in others. Discusses learned responses which become instinctive and how over thinking problems can produce very mediocre results.

Freakanomics - interesting book about non financial economic research such as crime, abortion etc. Interesting, but I can't help but feel that the authors knew they were on to a formula and went s little ad nauseum.

City boy - awful awful book written for shock value. Author comes across as holier than thou and as being an immense hypocrite. If you like reading about investment bankers hoovering coke up their nose and shagging prostitutes then its for you. Financial football factory with probably very little verisimilitude.

Just started Daniel kahneman's New book. He writes a lot about human irrationality and cognitive impairment, so far excellent

Is the Daniel Kahnman book "Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow"? Brilliant book but boy does it require you to concentrate.

If it isn't what is it called and what is it about?

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