Who Should Be The Biased Manchester City TV Pundit?

Scaring Europe to Death

Well-Known Member
31 Oct 2014
I was only thinking this after reading the mixed response to Noel Gallagher’s appearance on MOTD2

Personally I don’t mind Carragher and I think Gary Neville talks a lot of sense. However both players are firmly associated with one particular club. So are McManaman, Fowler and Owen, or Scholes, Keane and Schmeichel. (neutrals would never guess that three of those players also played for Manchester City)

You can tell by their choice of pundits for one of our games that Sky are always unsure about City. There’s usually a City connection, but never our equivalent of Paul Merson or Matt Le Tissier.

There are lots of pundits who once played for City, but nobody who the neutrals would associate as a City legend in the same way as Tim Cahill at Everton, Alan Shearer at Newcastle or even Matt Elliott at Leicester.

Objectively, Niall Quinn player more games for City than any other club. However he still comes across as an Arsenal fan with a soft spot for Sunderland.
They’ve tried Steve Howey, but his accent smacks of ex-Newcastle centre half. Paul Walsh wasn’t at City long enough and most of us would rather forget Danny Mills.

Perhaps Goater or Rosler, but their appeal is probably too parochial

Is there anyone who will argue City’s corner or are we best waiting for SWP or Richard Dunne to retire?
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Quite enjoyed Mike Summerbee's short-lived sky career.

this, he was great at Norwich a few years ago when we won the prem from the filth
Elbow beards said:
Paul lake
I've posted before to this effect. I think he'd fight our corner brilliantly. He's articulate and properly knows and gets what this club is about.

In general terms, the club should be doing more lobbying to broadcasters in this regards. Someone to talk positively about the club otherwise than through gritted teeth.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Elbow beards said:
Paul lake
I've posted before to this effect. I think he'd fight our corner brilliantly. He's articulate and properly knows and gets what this club is about.

In general terms, the club should be doing more lobbying to broadcasters in this regards. Someone to talk positively about the club otherwise than through gritted teeth.
Yep good local lad from Denton as well
I don't want a City pundit on TV.

I want to be reminded every single match that these pricks are biased wankers intent on turning football into theatre
eyejay51 said:
I like Andy Hinchcliffes co-commentaries , but most younger fans would say "who?" Would be good to see him putting Scholes back in his box.

He's the left back remember


" 5!"

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