Why are the players training with weights in South Africa?

quiet_riot said:
I think they use weights all the time, videos from Carrington show equipment, and Micah and Joleon have 'bantz' about being in the gym etc.

However, as others have said, some of the form being used is awful.

For good measure, here's Kolarov doing 10kg squats with a pussy pad.


Moobesh said:
Gents i think you've missed the point here. South africa is high altitude which means less oxygen. Any training in that environment has exceptional benefit when you ply you trade at normal altitude. In south africa you are going to be smashing out between 3,500-9000ft which means a standard lung cap/fitness (Vo2) is just not going to cut the mustard. Look at why chris froome is a far supperior climber than most of the other cyclist. Its because he trains regularly above 3000ft. I have an altitude mask and currently train at 6000ft which has seen a 10fold increase in lung cap and fitness is 8 weeks which would take me 3-4months longer normally.

The weights is as someone put it designed to build explosiveness. Which is what you see with the Springbox and all blacks(Rugby union) the Welsh RFU have trained in an artificle cold box and altitude room in poland since 2010 and have become one of the more efficent teams in the world in the last 20 of a game usually when we get trode on.

But going back to the weights. If you do that regularly coupled with high altitude and good nutrition shakes and high protein good fat diet that will be awesome for the season to come. It will just depend if they are playing at it or they will replicate the training at home. And on the piont about fatigte(you may have noticed i cant spell) after several week aclimatising to the training fatigue will be a rare occurrance in the manner we envision it

A-fucking-men!!!! This with a fat ass latino chick on it!!! I've been waiting for someone to write this as I couldn't be arsed. I respect the O.P has an opinion but its wrong & if you'd said that at a training session you'd of been laughed at for chatting shit. Sorry O.P but you need to get with the programme before your completely out of touch with reality
Marvin said:
I would not have included weights sessions in with pre-season training because the priority at this stage in their preparation should be CV work.
Holistic approach says otherwise
Pretty standard really. I assume most of the players won't have done much weight training in their time off, so they need to get back in the swing of it. Football is a physical sport and you can't be too lightweight and you need to build muscular strength to be at your peak. I am sure there will be more focus on football and tactics as the pre season goes on.
When a modern day player shoves another of the ball they banter each other throughout the game, you will often hear another player shout get in the gym when another player shove them of the ball, or they shoot and its a soft shot they will shout get on them leg weights pal .It can actually be funny to hear if you watch the youth teams at lower levels the english lads banter is quite funny when a player get weights off the ball as they call it
Marvin said:
SWP's back said:
FantasyIreland said:
For once Marv,i agree,both in the technique and the weight size,it all looked very toy......

perhaps,given it was an open session,it was simply for effect?

I cant imagine this would be a regular routine.
Not sure I agree mate, the players have at least 2 weight sessions per week as it is anyway.

This was just open air.

I don't actually have a clue what Marvin is upset with.
I would not have included weights sessions in with pre-season training because the priority at this stage in their preparation should be CV work. Weight training adds additional stress and saps the body's ability to recover which is vital if you're doing 3 sessions per day
No the weight training would be ideal now when i played rugby most of your bulking is done pre season its not necessarily difficult to recover quickly with weight training n if ronaldos pic is anything to go by there only lady lifting
slick said:
Moobesh said:
Gents i think you've missed the point here. South africa is high altitude which means less oxygen. Any training in that environment has exceptional benefit when you ply you trade at normal altitude. In south africa you are going to be smashing out between 3,500-9000ft which means a standard lung cap/fitness (Vo2) is just not going to cut the mustard. Look at why chris froome is a far supperior climber than most of the other cyclist. Its because he trains regularly above 3000ft. I have an altitude mask and currently train at 6000ft which has seen a 10fold increase in lung cap and fitness is 8 weeks which would take me 3-4months longer normally.

The weights is as someone put it designed to build explosiveness. Which is what you see with the Springbox and all blacks(Rugby union) the Welsh RFU have trained in an artificle cold box and altitude room in poland since 2010 and have become one of the more efficent teams in the world in the last 20 of a game usually when we get trode on.

But going back to the weights. If you do that regularly coupled with high altitude and good nutrition shakes and high protein good fat diet that will be awesome for the season to come. It will just depend if they are playing at it or they will replicate the training at home. And on the piont about fatigte(you may have noticed i cant spell) after several week aclimatising to the training fatigue will be a rare occurrance in the manner we envision it

Makes a lot of sense to me, let's hope you're right.
If your into fitness check out the elevation traing mask made by training mask. I had to start getting fit coz im to fat hahaha
FantasyIreland said:
SWP's back said:
Just read again Marvin doesn't understand dumb bell presses or flies?

Have a look at Ronaldo and tell me he doesn't know his way around the weights room. Upper body strength can be vital.
But given the pathetic weight and half hearted, poor technique (on squats) that session or similar is a waste of time.
I fully appreciate the need for effective resistance training, however, that all appeared more for the cameras benefit imo.
To be fair, I have not seen the video, I thought you were talking about weights in general with relation to football training.

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