Why are the players training with weights in South Africa?

Moobesh said:
Gents i think you've missed the point here. South africa is high altitude which means less oxygen. Any training in that environment has exceptional benefit when you ply you trade at normal altitude. In south africa you are going to be smashing out between 3,500-9000ft which means a standard lung cap/fitness (Vo2) is just not going to cut the mustard. Look at why chris froome is a far supperior climber than most of the other cyclist. Its because he trains regularly above 3000ft. I have an altitude mask and currently train at 6000ft which has seen a 10fold increase in lung cap and fitness is 8 weeks which would take me 3-4months longer normally.

The weights is as someone put it designed to build explosiveness. Which is what you see with the Springbox and all blacks(Rugby union) the Welsh RFU have trained in an artificle cold box and altitude room in poland since 2010 and have become one of the more efficent teams in the world in the last 20 of a game usually when we get trode on.

But going back to the weights. If you do that regularly coupled with high altitude and good nutrition shakes and high protein good fat diet that will be awesome for the season to come. It will just depend if they are playing at it or they will replicate the training at home. And on the piont about fatigte(you may have noticed i cant spell) after several week aclimatising to the training fatigue will be a rare occurrance in the manner we envision it

It's called doping mate.
Moobesh said:
Gents i think you've missed the point here. South africa is high altitude which means less oxygen. Any training in that environment has exceptional benefit when you ply you trade at normal altitude. In south africa you are going to be smashing out between 3,500-9000ft which means a standard lung cap/fitness (Vo2) is just not going to cut the mustard. Look at why chris froome is a far supperior climber than most of the other cyclist. Its because he trains regularly above 3000ft. I have an altitude mask and currently train at 6000ft which has seen a 10fold increase in lung cap and fitness is 8 weeks which would take me 3-4months longer normally.

The weights is as someone put it designed to build explosiveness. Which is what you see with the Springbox and all blacks(Rugby union) the Welsh RFU have trained in an artificle cold box and altitude room in poland since 2010 and have become one of the more efficent teams in the world in the last 20 of a game usually when we get trode on.

But going back to the weights. If you do that regularly coupled with high altitude and good nutrition shakes and high protein good fat diet that will be awesome for the season to come. It will just depend if they are playing at it or they will replicate the training at home. And on the piont about fatigte(you may have noticed i cant spell) after several week aclimatising to the training fatigue will be a rare occurrance in the manner we envision it
That's true but i think Durban is on the coast at sea level. It's places like Pretoria and Jo'burg that are at high altitude.

With the weights, they are doing very light weight and high repetition. Those mini-squats were just 40kg and looked like they'd only work on the smaller quad muscles around the knee and the hip flexors (they wouldn't work the major muscles of the quads, nor the glutes or the hams); the dumbells were just 10-12kg. These sort of resistance exercises help build muscular endurance, not explosiveness.

In the early part of pre-season training most of the training concentrates on low intensity-high repetition resistance work and low intensity-lengthy time based cardio work. There will be lots of jogging and also fun/not serious games with the ball. Ball work not only is another way to do some low intensity-lengthy time based cardio work but you start to build proprioception of the muscles used with controlling/passing the ball and eye-to-foot coordination (some players won't have kicked a ball for two months, even two weeks off can see a drop in all this when you're talking about players at this very top level).

This stage of pre-season is based around the muscular and cardiovascular endurance side of things and probably some easy balancing work to ease the core back into training again. Then as time develops over pre-season that will change into more sprints (lots of sprints some with very little rest in between towards the end of pre-season), heavier weights with low repetitions and high speed movements to specifically target explosion. There will be more advanced work for the core (where you see them balancing on one foot in these early videos; you might see them balancing on boxes with weights in their hands, maybe moving that weight around while stood on one leg on the box...or even stood on balls by the end of p-s).

As time progresses over pre-season the fun games with the ball will be of fewer number and there will be much more tactical talk and drills. Similar to the training matches we will be playing over p-s; they'll start off as a stroll in the park and progress in intensity. At no time is the scoreline important - it is only about fitness and proprioception, maybe even towards the final few p-s training games there will be some tactical things Pellegrini has gone through in training that he'd like to see implemented in the game. But the scorelines are never important.

But, Marvin, resistance training (weights) is very important to a modern day footballer. Especially in pre-season.
"Why are the players training with weights in South Africa?"

because they haven't ready the Insanity thread in the cellar?
Dunne's own goal said:
Moobesh said:
Gents i think you've missed the point here. South africa is high altitude which means less oxygen. Any training in that environment has exceptional benefit when you ply you trade at normal altitude. In south africa you are going to be smashing out between 3,500-9000ft which means a standard lung cap/fitness (Vo2) is just not going to cut the mustard. Look at why chris froome is a far supperior climber than most of the other cyclist. Its because he trains regularly above 3000ft. I have an altitude mask and currently train at 6000ft which has seen a 10fold increase in lung cap and fitness is 8 weeks which would take me 3-4months longer normally.

The weights is as someone put it designed to build explosiveness. Which is what you see with the Springbox and all blacks(Rugby union) the Welsh RFU have trained in an artificle cold box and altitude room in poland since 2010 and have become one of the more efficent teams in the world in the last 20 of a game usually when we get trode on.

But going back to the weights. If you do that regularly coupled with high altitude and good nutrition shakes and high protein good fat diet that will be awesome for the season to come. It will just depend if they are playing at it or they will replicate the training at home. And on the piont about fatigte(you may have noticed i cant spell) after several week aclimatising to the training fatigue will be a rare occurrance in the manner we envision it

It's called doping mate.
Haha doping doesnt mean jack shit if you dont put the work in first
OxBlue said:
"Why are the players training with weights in South Africa?"

because they haven't ready the Insanity thread in the cellar?
Insanity is erm insane is awesome off down the cellar gents

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