Why is he only gonna serve 15 years?

mr t

Well-Known Member
24 Oct 2007
The evil twat will be able to do it all again - prison won't change someone like this.

Adam Downworth: Life sentence for serial sex attacker Adam Downworth was convicted in August
A man who read martial arts manuals before carrying out a series of violent sex attacks on five women as they walked home has been jailed for life.

Manchester Crown Court heard that Adam Downworth, 32, of Eastlea, Denton, read ninja and other self-defence books to learn how to overpower his victims.

A woman needed facial reconstruction surgery after one of his assaults.

He was told by the judge at Manchester Crown Court he would serve a minimum of 15 years in prison.

Downworth, who was convicted in August of two rapes, three attempted rapes, four sexual assaults and four assaults, was also put on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

His attacks took place late at night between December 2011 and September 2012.

The court was told Duckworth would often hide waiting to use techniques he had gleaned from fighting books later found at his flat - in one book he highlighted a chapter entitled "Chokes and Strangles".

Downworth's first victim was a 28-year-old woman he grabbed from behind, around the throat, before dragging her to a secluded area of Alexandra Park, Edgeley on 3 December 2011.

The sex attack was so violent she lost consciousness twice and suffered serious injuries to her face and body, including a broken nose.

Three months later he tried to rape a 27-year-old woman on Borrowdale Road, in Stockport, on 1 April 2012.

She managed to break free, shouted for help and he ran off.

'Horrifying ordeals'

His next victims, later that year, were in the Gorton area of Manchester where he sexually assaulted a woman, aged 23, on Tan Yard Brow on 12 May and a woman, 28, in Debdale Park on 1 July.

The woman in Tan Yard Brow was punched repeatedly in the face before he tried to strangle her. Downworth's attempted sex attack ended when he was disturbed by car headlights.

Police believe the woman in Debdale Park was thrown in a reservoir before a taxi driver fished her out of the water.

His last victim was a 49-year-old woman he pulled from a road into some woods on George Lane, Bredbury, on 16 September.

He subjected her to a "vicious" beating before raping her twice. Downworth was spotted fleeing by witnesses who gave police a description of him.

The woman's injuries were so bad she needed reconstructive surgery.

Cheryl Hramiak, from Crown Prosecution Service North West, said: "Adam Downworth subjected each of his victims to a truly horrifying ordeal.

"He targeted them because they were walking home alone late at night and set upon them violently and suddenly."
A minimum of 15 years doesn't necessarily mean he'll only serve 15.

The parole board could decide he still can't be released, even after that time.
Vienna_70 said:
A minimum of 15 years doesn't necessarily mean he'll only serve 15.

The parole board could decide he still can't be released, even after that time.

Because prison should be about rehabilitation rather than just punishment and deterrent.

Look at countries with a good education system in their prisons then look at the re-offending rate compared to places like America where it's all about punishment. The goal of prisons should be to give a lasting solution to peoples problems. Sure you can lock them up forever, but then it ends up costing more, taking up more space and squashing any potential chance of the person becoming reformed. People can change a LOT in 15 years on their own. Imagine the amount a person can change when surrounded with good counseling and advice.

It's easy to get emotional when you look at horrific specific cases like this, but that emotion doesn't lead to good decisions. I'm sure if this man is still a threat to others he will remain in prison until they can be certain otherwise.
Was only a matter of time before he killed one of these women too, are they just going to wait til it happens? The guy is fucked in the head, 15 years wont sort him out
SuperYaya said:
Because prison should be about rehabilitation rather than just punishment and deterrent.

Look at countries with a good education system in their prisons then look at the re-offending rate compared to places like America where it's all about punishment. The goal of prisons should be to give a lasting solution to peoples problems. Sure you can lock them up forever, but then it ends up costing more, taking up more space and squashing any potential chance of the person becoming reformed.. People can change a LOT in 15 years on their own. Imagine the amount a person can change when surrounded with good counseling and advice

It's easy to get emotional when you look at horrific specific cases like this, but that emotion doesn't lead to good decisions. I'm sure if this man is still a threat to others he will remain in prison until they can be certain otherwise.

I am sure his victims are just dandy about that and wish it all the best.
SuperYaya said:
Because prison should be about rehabilitation rather than just punishment and deterrent.

Look at countries with a good education system in their prisons then look at the re-offending rate compared to places like America where it's all about punishment. The goal of prisons should be to give a lasting solution to peoples problems. Sure you can lock them up forever, but then it ends up costing more, taking up more space and squashing any potential chance of the person becoming reformed. People can change a LOT in 15 years on their own. Imagine the amount a person can change when surrounded with good counseling and advice.

It's easy to get emotional when you look at horrific specific cases like this, but that emotion doesn't lead to good decisions. I'm sure if this man is still a threat to others he will remain in prison until they can be certain otherwise.

What advice would that be? "Don't rape"

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