Work Encounters: People Who Piss You Off!

another generation said:
Not suprised the customer was narked. You have the cheek to charge money for a frozen variant of a free, natural product?? Blimey. You'll be wanting to charge customers for the air they breathe.

Asda Rochdale frozen compartments top end of store - bags of ice cubes. Think they charge a quid. And a frozen variant of a free natural product? It's certainly natural, but as soon as it hits the ground here, United Utilities charge near enough the rest of the planet for it.
another generation said:
And a polite reminder to anyone working in the service industry - the customer is always right.

Except when they're wrong, which is most of the time.
Am I missing something here..... so in USA there are ice shops in which, if you want to purchase some you have to wait for some one to unlock the freezer they are in, and this is ice as in frozen water? It's not like American slang for jewellery or something....

Please someone enlighten me?
Customers are the most arrogant little shits I have ever encountered. Trying to tell me that the company policy is illegal as if it is my falut. Do you really think a nation wide company is going to have illegal policies? I fucking think not so piss off back to which ever hole you crawled out of this morning and dont come back till you have learnt some manners.
I am also sorry for the fact I have not memorised every product, its place within the store, how much it is and what sizes and colours we have left.
I also think I need to be sacked as I cant deal with three or even four customers all at once. I will deal with you when I get round to it. If others were in the queue before you then please wait before I get so pissed off with you I decied to be as unhelpful as I possibly can with out being arrested.

I am sorry. Rant over. Not been a good day today at work as you can probably tell.
Also if this guy is so stupid as to buy frozen water (which I am sure is free) he deserves to have to wait while someone thinks of as many reasons not to give him his frozen water, which he could of got for free out of his freezer.

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