
Ok Cromagnon. I'll be charitable. Perhaps you are as well read as I on the subject. But your ridiculous cognitive biases have rendered you incapable of gaining a proper prespective of what constitutes value here on Earth and indeed the universe.

As I already said. I don't post for you. I post in the hope that it may reach some people. Obstinate people such as yourself are beyond reasoning. You will still, as you have just said, use a fallacy. Well done you.

It's a fallacy in your opinion and I wouldn't say I'm just obstinate I'm also truculent just as you have your anhedonic side, the difference is that I'm rather sanguine on the whole subject.

NB: regarding an appeal to nature being a fallacy:

The "Appeal to nature" is a device of rhetoric. A "fallacy", on the other hand, is just an argument (which may involve a variety of rhetorical devices) that is false by virtue of its form.

So "Eating is good because eating is natural" is an argument that uses an "appeal to nature" and may (or may not) be a fallacy. And "Eating sand is good because sand is natural" is, also, an argument that uses an "appeal to nature" that, also, may (or may not) be a fallacy.
Moving away from the whole natural or unnatural debate, surely you have thoughts on the treatment, particularly the fear and torment leading up to slaughter??

That's my reasoning for going veggie. After getting a dog, it opened my eyes to the emotions and feelings of animals much more and although the killing itself is as "humane" as they can make it, the treatment leading up to that point is what I disagree with.

The panic and emotional turmoil we put the animals through is a disgrace and we have no right to do that, top of the food chain or not.

For many, this is the main reasoning and I don't see anyone offering a counter-argument to this.
that's why you have to hunt for your own meat, one bullet in the bread basket, bodda bing
surely you have thoughts on the treatment, particularly the fear and torment leading up to slaughter??
Yes, it doesn't fill me with joy at all because I'm not a sadist, it just doesn't currently register high enough to make me want to stop eating meat or using meat based products.

But that why I buy free range where I can. The difference with you and Angry Joe is that you have different thresholds to the majority and he would have ban all meat and deny others the hundreds of thousands of years of cooked meat based evolution that allowed cogent thought to make their own decisions on the subject.
The meat of animals that are terrified at the point of death is far tastier.
Not antelope, did a bit of hunting on a friends game farm and you need a kill shot in one otherwise the adrenaline gets into the muscle and the meat is very firm. Makes it quite a pressure shot.

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