Raheem Sterling and Gomez - "bust up" at England camp

Player incidents like this happen all the time, at every level of football. They are always kept in-house. The only question here is - why has this been leaked? Media profile is a professional business and the fall-out from this is entirely predictable.
City, on Raheem's behalf, should be asking why he has been hung out to dry by England's media department.

And on a separate note, any Scouse who mention their support for England should be asked how they can support a team whose fans boo the national anthem (even at a charity event).

Spot on

Southgate can discipline Raheem but keep it in house

Personally I am happy if he doesn't play for England but Raheem wants to play for his country

Southgate as lost a bit of credibility here, he should have managed it better and hasn't
Just when you think you can't like Raheem anymore...He will backed to the hilt over this by the City family - typically a mountain is being made of an incident that happens all the time in pro sport. Guaranteed they have both moved on and so should the media. Raheem has had to take four years of horrible personal abuse and credit to him in the way he handles it all. Hard not knowing the exact details but both players should have been stood down or neither, Southgate has not played this situation well.
How the fuck was this incident allowed to happen?? Gomez should be nowhere near an international squad. He can't even get a game ahead of Lovren.
Something happens in a private area between two players and suddenly it becomes public, well done England. If I were Raheem I would develop a slight strain on Saturday and come back home.
As no one knows anything about the actual
Incident it’s hard to say whether the punishment fits the crime. I’m sure Southgate wouldn’t want to lose Sterling for any game.

I liked Sterling’s passion on Sunday and it shows just how much he cares. I thought he would be booked towards the end which would have been a nightmare as he is already on four bookings. Thankfully he wasn’t.
"We have taken the decision to not consider Raheem for the match against Montenegro on Thursday. My feeling is that the right thing for the team is the action we have taken.
"Now that the decision has been made with the agreement of the entire squad, it's important that we support the players and focus on Thursday night."

There's one player not getting the support Gareth.
Firstly, Gomez was taking the piss out of Raheem about the result. Described as light banter of course. That is why Raheem reacted. Secondly, this will have been an FA decision no agenda of course. Southgate is just a ‘yes’ man. Thirdly, what does this tell us. The scousers and the FA despite our defeat and the scousers 9 points clear are still scared to death of us. They know that there will be a reaction from our owners and manager and they know we will come back even stronger. Fourthly, about time we have seen a player care so much openly after that defeat (since Vinny) well done Raheem. He knows like us the game is corrupt. Needs a new song!
This is it the so called officials and let's not forget that wanker Tierney on the "Working or not var"allowed the scouse bastards to get away with everything. The corrupt wankers have history for this, remember the rags being allowed to kick SWP with impunity one derby a few years ago? They won't rest until the old order is restored.
Remember that game well, they took it in turns to kick him for the whole game, it was a disgrace.

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