COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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What is the logical path you can't follow? Does it involve the strength and/or timing of compulsory social distancing measures?
I think it’s possible to not lock people in their homes but strongly encourage people to avoid gathering in large numbers at indoor events.

Also if the advice was to work from home where at all possible, that would be enable that discussion to be held at a million work places.

As I say, that’s all taken place where I live and I’m glad that’s the case. I’m not arsed about myself though as I’m relatively fit and healthy (although the closing of gyms will test that) but I’m hugely concerned about my mother. I ordered her an Alexa today because of my guilt at more or less quarantining her four weeks ago.
so who oh wise one should be our role model, who in Europe is controlling the virus sooo much better than us. Please tell us. Italy, france, Spain, Germany , Italy ?

tell us which country we should be following , which country is showing leadership and has control of the spread?

tell us what they are doing better and the lessons we should be learning,


And you said Italy, twice.
Nick Robinson (BBC) further emphasising the harm the Govts comms strategy is doing.

After a confusing 48 hours Health Secretary Hancock attempts to reassure the country that the government “has a plan to protect life & to protect the NHS.” He’s not helped by the fact key announcements are being made in unaccountable anonymous briefings to journalists #marr‘
It’s not helping the situation at all. There should be a WHO-style daily briefing with Boris, Vallance, Whitty, Hancock, and anyone else they feel should be there. They are adding to the anxiety instead of calming it. They say there’s a strategy, make u-turns on that strategy, have different people contradicting each other, most notably Hancock and Vallance stating different things about herd immunity. The whole thing lacks clarity and doesn’t inspire confidence. If anything, it’s making many people feel abandoned/neglected.
Something I was thinking about last night, we need to declare a state of emergency and and bring in an emergency raise on income tax. If this carries on for as long as it's likely too those of us whose jobs are secure will need to give up some of our wages to those who are going to lose their jobs, and those on a shit load of money are just going to have to 'take it on the chin'.
I think it’s possible to not lock people in their homes but strongly encourage people to avoid gathering in large numbers at indoor events.

I am sure there will be an announcement on that this week

strong rumours that schools will be closing end of this week for a extended 4 week easter.

So far the govt got it wrong about allowing flights freely in to the country unchecked from affected areas , but otherwise I think it’s (well the scientists) doing ok.

no countries stats who have it in their population seem to have an answer or model to follow, as you have pointed out on this thread numerous times it’s a unique difficult situation.
I caught a bit of Hancock on Marr this morning, and I would say he did 'okay'. I thought he also said herd immunity wasn't the plan, which was confusing in light of the press conference last week.

I'm not sure how well set up car companies are to make ventilators, but it suggests that there is some interesting thinking going on, although it feels like playing catch-up.
The government scientist repeated the herd immunity plan yesterday,i posted it last night,it is clear hancock knows it is not a popular policy
Some rational comment. People have become utter drama queens, this is something fueled by misinformation and the need for the media to boost revenues. All of the 21 individuals who's death has been attributed to this flu virus, had major pre existing respiratory issues and was over 60.
I wonder if people have bothered to compare this 21, with NHS figures of 17, 300 deaths annually attributed to flu and do any of the hysterical drama queens on here actually give a toss about those people!

It's that kind of ignorant comment that is going to get a lot more people killed.

This is nothing like seasonal flu, we don't have immunity, we don't have a vaccine. This means our hospitals will be overwhelmed. It also specifically attacks the lungs and behaves more like pneumonia. This means a lot of our hospitals won't have the equipment to keep people alive.

Look at Italy's figures on February 29th and ours yesterday. We're 2 weeks behind them and a lot more than 21 will be dead.

Stop spreading mis-information.
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