COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Clip was from Tuesday talking about ‘herd immunity’ and ‘cocooning’ vulnerable groups (sounds better than isolating and quarantine). All week we had ‘herd immunity’ which Hancock has now said wasn’t the goal but has now talked about ‘cocooning’ for four months potentially. Scottish Health has now said

Some confusion today. 1) there is NO PLAN to ask over 70s to completely socially isolate as with the symptomatic. 2) we are working on guidance for the over 70s to be asked to REDUCE social contact for their safety. So no bingo, no pubs…BUT family visits and neighbours etc.”

It really is about clarity of message as people interpret things differently. Reducing social contact is not quarantining nor is cocooning.

I am making comments based on experience and the experiences of family members, not making judgments on government policy which is why I’m qualifying my comments with “appear to”.
So stick your sarcastic comments up your arse.

you were specifically making comments on govt policy , you said there is no clear leadership from the govt.

So tell us which country is showing the rest of the world how to get a grip on this virus?

it’s easy to criticise the govts response if you hate the govt, but it would just be nice if someone could point to another nation or nations who seem to be doing so much better a job than the uk . The chief scientist and medical officer have been impressive

and before someone says I am a Tory, the govt got it badly wrong on the flight situation allowing flights from affected areas unchecked was wrong and by now they should have made a formal announcement on public gatherings so I can be critical as well , but I expect these are doing in in the coming days.
However I still don’t see a country leading the way showing us how to control this thing.
There is a point there though. He states that nobody seems too concerned about the flu (despite it killing thousands every year) and everybody has replied with dismissive comments about 'a bit of flu' which kind of makes his point.
It doesn’t make his point.

The mortality rate of regular flu is about 0.1%. The mortality of coronavirus is conservatively 1% and potentially as high as 3.5%, so at least 10 times more deadly.

Also, the NHS is geared up to deal with the regular flu and can quite accurately predict the numbers and it has enough capacity to cope.

With coronavirus, it’s spreading so quickly that the major problem is the NHS does not have the capacity to deal with all of those people all at the same time.

There are only a finite amount of beds, so when they are all taken up the doctors are going to have to make decisions on who gets treated - the elderly coronavirus patient or the kid who’s got leukaemia.

The idea of Social Distancing isn’t to protect yourself from getting it if you’re fit and healthy. It’s to slow down the rate at which this spreads so that the NHS doesn’t collapse because it can’t cope with the volume of people all at one time.
so you think we should lock everyone in the nation inside for weeks on end and indeed in some cases welded into flats . That’s the response the govt should be doing here in the UK ?

Germany may have a better health system so their death rate is lower , Italy may have higher percentage of older people but what strategy are other govts employing which you would like to see here to control the spread. What are doing so badly.


Your post asked someone to provide a nation that is controlling it and how. So I did.

My personal view is that the virus at least needs to be contained. If they want it to spread through the population to create immunity then do it, but at least stop people coming from elsewhere which could potentially make it even worse.
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