COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Going by our rate of increase over the last few weeks of deaths doubling every 3 days, If no one in the UK got infected from the moment we released the figures last night, the UK death toll would likely still get to over 30,000.

Given how few people are paying attention to the measures I think that's unavoidable.
Been saying this since a time when we had a handful of cases, but all you get is “stop scaremongering”, “trust the experts” etc. Obviously didn’t do a good enough job. If fear is all that will make people behave as they should, then so be it. The situation is grim. If an elderly loved one get this, they need to get it in the next couple of days, because beyond that the treatment will be for younger people, not them. Few seem to get this. This is the severity of the situation that’s playing out before us. It’s not exaggeration or sensationalism, it’s actually coming. Yet people just want to get rat-arsed in pubs and enjoy what they view as some sort of spring break. Some families are going for more walks now than they did before the outbreak. It’s lunacy. Lock us down ASAP.
I went out cycling this afternoon enjoying the empty roads and sunshine. An individual endeavour, fresh air and exercise, no problem as far as I can see. I cycled past 4 parks that are filled with families pushing kids on swings and kicking footballs about with their lads. It was like a bank holiday out there. People arent getting it. It crossed my mind whether the govt tomorrow will show photos of it all and say well you cant be trusted and so you're all indoors starting now.
Germany banning meetings of more than 2 people outside of the home

Greece nationwide restriction of movement from tomorrow

We have to do the same surely,why are we always behind everyone else
news from the BBC live feed.

360 new deaths in Lombardy

The death toll in the northern region of Lombardy, which has borne the brunt of Italy’s virus outbreak, has risen by around 360 in a day to more than 3,450, a source has told Reuters.

The number of cases in the region, which includes Italy’s financial capital Milan, has increased by around 2,590 to more than 28,370. However, a number of results were still awaiting confirmation and it was not clear if they would be added later.

Sunday’s figures represented an improvement on Saturday, when the death toll in the region rose by 546 and
new cases increased by 3,251. The national death toll is due to be released later on Sunday. The tally stood at 4,825 on Saturday - the highest in the world

Those figures look to be regional rather than national. The figures are shocking but there is a suggestion in both the Spanish and Italian figures that their epidemic is no longer that I mean that the growth in the number of new cases each day is no longer growing. This is still not clear but just pointing out that within the alarming news there is a hint that the epidemic in Spain and Italy maybe reaching its peak. I am not sure about Italy. I think it's moving from those small Norther towns, to Lombardy and then to the South. The South is poorer.
We’ve got at least a couple of weeks of bad news coming in Spain. Fallas in Valencia’s was only cancelled after 7/8 days when tens of thousands had gone into the city every day. Expecting big spikes in Valencia in the next week or two.

Madrid went into lockdown before us so maybe the numbers there have peaked but the rest of the country hasn’t.
I think am going to watch a comedy film to chill out,because what I've seen as others have to,and what been posted on here is very scary,and with fking wankers carrying on like is the 6wks holidays when you knew nothing as a child,
I also think everyone else should do the same with your families and those off us who can't kiss their mam on her day.

P.s for all them wankers, if it was up to me you wouldn't be mass gathering but if you did they be chariots with big fk off blades on the wheels,only have to watch Ben hurr to see the damage..
Think the UK will be the worst affected country in Europe once this is all over, certainly up there with Italy.

Such an ignorant set of people that live in this country.

Been saying it for a few days. It’s without doubt going to happen having seen the behavior of the public these past few days.
Parks in london have been closed,loval authorities can decide

Gov advice people can still go for a walk but keep distance from other people,tjat is mad,people are not understanding

5683 cases

281 deaths in the uk in total so far

Death rates higher than italy and spain at the same stage
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