Large illegal rave in Carrington tonight.

What exactly are the police meant to do ? This country is policed by consent. That means the majority respect the law and abide by it leaving the police to deal with the few who do not.
When 1,000 + people stand in a group and do not want to respect anything what can 20/100 coppers do ?
If a copper arrests someone he has to accompany that person to the nick so leaving his mates one short....
If a copper hits someone he will be filmed on 10 different phones, all will post the footage on social media and the cop will get in the shit.
The general tone of this forum always seems to be the cops are heavy handed wankers who are not trusted, are racist and act in a (Conservative) political way and yet this thread attacks the cops for not wading in and sorting it out !!

I am glad you responded to this tool as save's me having to do so
“So Mr. Peoffrey you allowed some total stranger access to your property whilst you were not there, and now claim a football shirt was stolen?
Just what do you expect Spiv and Chancer Ltd. to do about it? We are estate agents not the police. We suggest you report it to them and good luck getting them to even call round for a statement...”

Could have been worse, could have taken the sheep out of the back garden
What exactly are the police meant to do ? This country is policed by consent. That means the majority respect the law and abide by it leaving the police to deal with the few who do not.
When 1,000 + people stand in a group and do not want to respect anything what can 20/100 coppers do ?
If a copper arrests someone he has to accompany that person to the nick so leaving his mates one short....
If a copper hits someone he will be filmed on 10 different phones, all will post the footage on social media and the cop will get in the shit.
The general tone of this forum always seems to be the cops are heavy handed wankers who are not trusted, are racist and act in a (Conservative) political way and yet this thread attacks the cops for not wading in and sorting it out !!
its mob rule again though......
Hopefully they’ll all catch covid but then they should be denied any NHS treatment, there all just low life selfish scum
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its mob rule again though......

I fully accept that. I do not have the answer but I know blaming Der Dibble isn't it.

Since lockdown we are regularly plagued by 30 idiots racing motorbikes through the deserted streets, no helmets, no reg number no insurance and probably nicked. They will soon kill a child/old dear. If the cops chased them and one little darling fell off and got seriously hurt I know who would be a) slagged by the media (and this forum !) b) investigated, suspended and put through hell which is why my idea of pushing one of the bellends off hasn't been followed through.
I’m assuming you called the police and got the estate agent to investigate?

My phone is the only item of significant value I own. My collection of football shirts holds memory but all my spare cash goes on trips away to watch Wales.

Yes but it was early 90s.

Huge boom and we had loads viewing. Could have been anyone. You live and learn.

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