It's Quiet thread 14 - 'do one' edition

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Good bloody luck in using it, I got mine yesterday and they're awfully complicated for use by people who aren't well. I made a right mess of the biological bag and still have no idea how it's supposed to work. It tells you to take the tape off the sticky part whereupon static immediately stuck it to the wrong bit and you can't separate without tearing it.
Condoms ain’t what they used to be.
Sanchez has released a video stating after his first training session with United he asked if his contract could be cancelled, a Russian leak has stated Liverpool have 23 out of 32 first team players who are asthmatic and as a result are entitled to certain drugs... the same drugs are also performance enhancing. The Echo then broke a story of how Liverpool has the UKs highest rate of sufferers.

We didn't need a newspaper to tell us the scousers have the highest rate of sufferers the candle sales, poems and petitions told us that.
Don't know what its like with you, but up here, positive tests are still less than 1%. My son in law gets his results today and if he is positive my two grandaughters are in the same boat as your lad. Big birthday though. My eldest GD had hers a couple of weeks ago and had been planning it like a military campaign for months. Teenage girls eh! Anyway, hope things go ok and nobody is locked down.

Thanks bud. I live in Trafford so already in a local lockdown!
Thinking about it more, I suppose it's just as likely that Messi's camp will release "Based on the statement by La Liga we have no choice but to remain until the end of the contract in 2021".
I live in Trafford
My lad needs a test has to drive 80 miles to Llandudno, great.
thats really poor mate. Hope it goes ok. We had a blip up here just after the schools went back when every kid that had a sniffle way being tested. That meant some disruption but we are over that now and the testing and the test and trace seems to be pretty well organised.
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