Coronavirus (2021) thread

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3, 189, 674 doses of vaccine given in England as of today - up by 279, 647 in the day.

Will update all the data and repost the full UK numbers.
Those are yesterday's figures.
321,951 in total today
316,694 1st jabs
5,257 2nd jabs.
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It was total insanity bordering on criminal negligence what we did here. We actually as good as did nothing and we had advance warning what was happening as we watched it rampage through Europe. In spite of this we were letting people from all the infected countries pour in and go on their merry way unchecked. Unbelievable.

We're still letting people in from Brazil with the new more deadly variant.
It's being widely reported that the government are aiming for 500k a day plus next week. The vaccination roll out is a success story at last.

Edit: I've just read a bizarre article in the Guardian which reports that the Lower Saxony region of Germany (where cases are extremely high) has decided that due to privacy laws they can't look at people's medical records in order to write to over 80s to invite them for a jab. Instead they are using partial postal records and guessing based on peoples first names.

Guessing based on people’s first name. Love it. So if you are called the German equivalent of Winifred or Mabel you get an invite.
Its not more deadly, just looks like it may be a bit more resistant to antiodies and allow more reinfection but nothing proven from what ive seen.

More resistant to antibodies is going to make it kill more people and be more deadly.

Which is entirely besides the point, the point was that the government is still not taking quick action, it's still given almost a week for people to travel to the UK from a country experiencing a new strain of the virus that could prove worse.
On the rate of mutation

A typical SARS-CoV-2 virus accumulates only two single-letter mutations per month in its genome — a rate of change about half that of influenza and one-quarter that of HIV

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