And every single person with even a remote understanding of how a trading block works knew EXACTLy how the EU would act: like a fucking trading block.

What will it take for these morons to own their shit?
Can’t blame the EU for protecting its interests or the U.K. for attempting to protect its own. However, the bigger entity will always prevail which should be a salutary lesson to Brexiteers as the U.K. seeks deals with the other big boys
Very emotive subject this Brexit.

The biggest problem prior to the vote was that NOBODY (on either side of the argument) envisaged just how 'cunty' the EU would be over any break up deal.

If the EU had accepted the result with grace then maybe the deal wouldn't have been the shambles it turned in to?

They did envisage it. The EU is a bastard to deal with for countries that have to negotiate with it. We just thought we were superior and deserving of ‘special treatment.’ The EU didn’t. The end.
The most difficult thing in the entire human condition is to admit you were duped.

Especially if you grandstanded and gloated about it.
I'd round them all up and put them on a plane to Rawanda. They were fucking told/warned countless times, yet still they were hell bent on leaving. Well fuck them all, I'm glad the country is going to the dogs just to prove them wrong and teach them a lesson.
FFS. Haven't you learned ANYTHING by what's going on before your eyes?
I can see what's going on.

You or anyone else on this forum has no idea how or if I even voted in the Brexit referendum. I simply stated above what transpired with the negotiations post referendum result and that it turned into a shambles, and that maybe it wouldn't have if the remaining EU nations had been more sanguine over the whole affair rather than looking to punish us for it.

By all means blame UK politicians for getting us to that point, but don't absolve the EU of any blame for this mess we now find ourselves in.

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