PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

So reading this thread since the charges were announced I may be wrong, but here goes. To go all the way back to 2009 the Premier League had to say fraud was involved otherwise the six year rule would prevail. Unfortunately for the Premier League, hopefully for City, this is a difficult charge to prove as it involves many companies, auditors etc and is a serious charge, but the Premier League had no choice but to allege fraud. So maybe, just maybe, the Premier League will be hung by their own petard. Ok fire away guys and tell me I am pxssing up the wrong tree, again.;-)
Hoist not hung
It seems to me that they hid behind interpreting the word 'impacting' in the laws as a physical blocking.

This excludes any impact on anyone else - no Rashford and Ederson clears it easily. Fernandes wouldn't even try to get there in that situation.
Especially when Rashford shapes to shoot - that fixes Ederson's position as well.
Stone cold impacting on the opponent.

I'm not as convinced that Akanji could have caught up with the ball, but it's possible.

You said earlier that Oliver wouldn't have agreed with the decision - I think that's right. The decision was made very quickly, and I doubt there was time for a recommendation to be made.
What made me suspicious was that virtually all the press ran a story saying the decision had been made by VAR which suggested they had been briefed. It was obvious in the ground that Attwell had overruled the linesman and there was not enough time for any proper VAR check. So Michael Oliver was stitched up. The worst thing is the broadcasters must be aware of this because they hear the taped conversation but they have not broadcast the story. I believe the broadcasters are complicit in the failure of VAR. It doesn't automatically mean it was a bent decision but it does mean it was a total cock-up which has been covered up. Let's see what happens.
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I can assure it is not made up nonsense and I'm old and wise enough to know the difference.

We've been laughed at for decades, so a few more giggles is water off this particular ducks back.

You believe a scenario where City are blackmailing the PL, via a dossier of information about PGMOL, a separate entity?

Seems legit….
This brings my earlier point back to the forefront. Companies in the UK only need to keep files for 6 years and can start destroying documents after that time. The evidential documentation that the PL seek may well no longer exist outside of public records. They chose to wait so long to bring these charges. Even by 2018 when the investigation began documents surrounding 2012 were being routinely and appropriately destroyed. Some of these charges go back to 2009…
My erstwhile accountant said by rights they should be kept for six years plus one - although tbf he was the same bloke who recommended keeping them “in a damp place”!
Just curious does anyone the financial status of the PL ? Are they flush with money or stone broke. I assume they submit annual accounts?
If it’s the swamp game it might be the conversation between the assistant and the ref….. not Stockley Park. If it’s that the broadcaster won’t have a feed but an intelligence service might pick it up.
If I was a betting man I would say it was a row between the VAR person at Stockley Park Michael Oliver and the onfield ref Attwell which the broadcasters would have hear. Attwell ran straight up to the linesman gesturing for him to lower his flag. But Oliver was stiched up by whoever briefed the press. The whole thing stinks.
Make of this what you will, but I've just been privy to some startling information that would blow the lid off PGMOL and the power brokers at the Premier League, if it became public. It involves a recording of a conversation between the match day referee and VAR official at a recent away match, a recording that is now in the hands of City.

It's my firm belief that City have compiled a dossier so incendiary, that the Premier League will have no choice but to totally exonerate the Club of any wrongdoing. If they don't, this is going nuclear. Either way, we hold all the cards and this explains why we're so bullish about the eventual outcome. The Premier League are on the back foot, and in my opinion, are currently lobbying the membership as to how best to quietly end the process. I have also been advised that at least one of the "Nasty 9" has had board level discussions with City, distancing themselves from the others in the cabal.

Pep's press conference tells us all we need to know. Watch it again, look at the anger and barely controllable rage in the mans eyes. His attitude wasn't based upon him being reassured about some poxy finances & bullshit charges, it was because he KNOWS exactly what is coming.

Sit back and enjoy the ride Blues.


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