Huge Spider In My House

Getting some big boys running around at the moment looking for their end away.

Out you go!
In the kitchen last night my Mrs said err that’s a big spider, as usual I ignored her and carried on.
She got a piece of kitchen roll and put it in the bin.
In the corner of my eye I thought has she crushed it or not.
Went to the bin this morning to deposit my tea bag and there it was staring at me..
It was huge with legs like those huge poles they have at the Etihad to hold the roof in place and a body it was dragging along the waste.
I had to act quickly by retrieving the piece of kitchen roll which meant getting my hands covered in the remains of last night tea, COD in butter sauce which ended up under my finger nails before carrying out a summary execution, not on my Mrs I hasten to add, though she would have been the preferred option at the time.
Never release a spider back into the wild .. it's a known fact they home faster than a racing pigeon.
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Never release a spider back into the wild .. it's a known fact they home faster than racing pidgeons.
I walk about fifty yards and chuck it over a railway fence
If it does decide to wander back, it has to go past three houses before it gets to mine
Don't mind the ones with stringy long legs with not much too them. It is the meaty ones that freak me out.
Had 5 last week that were absolutely huge. Wasn't allowed to keep them :-( we'd be fucked without them.

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