PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

i Haven’t noticed this point anywhere, but say we are found guilty of deliberate inaccurate accounting by this tribunal and that is obviously commercial fraud on a grand scale. Then the next step would be a criminal case where only real evidence could be heard and judged on merit. After 4-5 years of investigation I doubt there is any so we’d likely win the criminal case as we’d be found innocent. So where would that leave the prem?
basically they will do us for non co operation again or something v minor, we’ll take a slap on the wrist and then onwards and upwards.

In 4-5 years the Prem League won’t exist, Super League will be well up and running by then, it’s whatever they call the championship now if it gets upgraded type of thing
If Chelsea and City (which they won't) got relegated, it would all come crashing down like a house of cards. Do the Premier League seriously want to boot out the best team of the last ten years to appease the Red cunts?
Financial suicide.
This is the crux of the issue, several clubs wil sue Everton for lost revenue , Chelsea and ourselves if proven guilty will see law suits from the Dippers , Rags and others, it will be a legal minefield for a decade and the Premier league will only lose out if the likes of ourselves and Chelsea are demoted and titles taken away. The Premier league's credibity will be ruined.
The punishment the Premier league has dished out to Everton is a precedent and all they are doing is damaging their own "product" at the behest of a couple jealous and envious clubs.
For these reasons i think the Premier league have no choice but to look at the bigger picture and the irrepairable damage they will casue to top flight football in this country.
The Everton decision has to be rescinded to a nominal fine and a possible transfer ban , or the next few years trophies are going to be decided in the law courts and not on the football field
So I said the other day Simon Jordon is saying it’s very harsh because it’s false or misleading accounting and the accounts have been signed off so there will be arguments on both sides on here was told that’s rubbish it’s just they lost too much money.

I know Simon is a bit of gob on stick and the above position is contrary to his position with us and I think. He misleads people e.g with related party when he knows the rules from business even tho he failed eventually.

So people said they have been punished for loosing too much money not false account or whatever you want to call it

However how did they think they had passed are there therefore some parallels with us in terms of grey areas if we have done something wrong that is
Where are the Billy big bollox legal experts on here that said there was absolutely no grounds for appeal if found guilty? Obviously there is after all
PL Clubs can't appeal to CAS or the EU/UK law courts, unless it's about the actual process of the investigation & PL hearing.

They can only appeal about the facts of a charge/charges to an independent panel setup by the PL, & the club's have to agree to this before being admitted to the Premier League.

That alone should tell you all you need to know how bent the system is.
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So you think City will be found guilty of fraud? That's what the charges relate to? I don't personally as if they had evidence surely they would have substantiated their claims by now. Yet four years later and we've heard nothing more, why would that be. City has denied all allegations and basically said put up or shut up. The silence is deafening. My guess is that the PL are looking for a way out to save face, with City accepting some minor punishment, but City have said no, we're not accepting anything.
Because the allegations are so serious we won't be accepting any minor punishments. They are basically accusing us of fraud, and if they can prove it, which is a massive if, then people will be going to prison. I think the Premier League have realised that they have bitten off more than they can chew in their bid to get at City and by City not accepting any of the charges it puts the Premier League in a really tight spot.
Cunts in the media falling over themselves to conflate Everton and City are like someone comparing a driver who got flashed doing 35 in a 30, who pleaded guilty to the offence, and got a harsher sentence than expected with another driver accused of doing 70 in a 30 who not only denies the offence but has asked the prosecution to provide evidence of the alleged offence but none has been forthcoming.

There is literally no evidence in the public domain in relation to these 115 charges - and my very strong suspicion is that none whatsoever exists. Certainly none of the cunts conflating the two situations will have had sight of anything meaningful or we’d be fucking sure to know about it.

So yes, City will be punished more severely if the case against us is proven, but presently there appears to be no case to answer, because if there was it surely would have been determined some considerable time ago.

Any talk of City delaying proceedings (which was the prevailing narrative in the media yesterday) is a complete red herring, as is the notion that City need time to prepare to defend these 115 charges. I expect the legal professionals we have engaged could do so in under a week, if required.

If the PL had the evidence to support these charges then we would now unquestionably be at a wholly different stage of proceedings.

Time will tell of course, but I fully expect that the delay is simply because the PL have nothing of substance to back up these charges.

The alternative, namely that the club has committed grand-scale fraud over a sustained period, is not only absurd, but lacking any discernible supporting evidence.

This part of the equation is always conspicuously missed by these cunts in the media.

Funny that.

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