Favourite tv character

Granny - Beverley hillbillies
Arthur Daley
Uncle Junior- Sopranos
Hilda Ogden
Pauli walnuts - Sopranos
Herman Munster
Caught a brief glimpse of Rachel Finnis-Browne on Football Focus earlier talking about Everton having points deducted being a good thing overall as it kept them from overspending ?

Now of course it is a BBC programme which is well known for presenting misinformation, especially when unfavourable to the redshirt teams and Spurs, but surely this sort of shit shouldn't be allowed to go unchallenged.

Is she happy to see Everton ( I believe a team she played for ) penalised because of rules primarily designed to protect the likes of the rags, dippers, arse and spurs ffs ? Do none of these people see what is happening due to the greed of the favoured clubs ?

Surely the message should be " if you don't know what you are talking about, keep your mouth firmly shut ". Of course if she does know the real reason she will be risking her future employment with the corrupt BBC Sports team.

And the piece in the programme I believe was based upon the transfer window just gone with so few transfers actually going for fees, as a consequence of the FFP restrictions.

It is staring these fuckers in the face and they still refuse to see it.

Of course Everton are a combination of stupidity because of their piss poor historical management as well as victims of the greed of the favoured clubs.

2 large one,'s from the top and 4 small one's from the bottom

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