PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This is not right. The amount of clubs who challenge is getting smaller and smaller.
The pl is destroying itself to save 3 red top +spuds.

Fans dream of their club being successful and it's being taken away from them. Not by results on the pitch but by accountants.

Also the selling club will be in a weaker position to push for a good price as the buying clubs knows they have to sell. The whole think stinks.

Are City the only club that welcome competition ?
Fuck them all - they voted for this shit in a fit of jealousy. Let them suffer the consequences.
Well it ain’t working for the rags now, they will have to have a big clear out in the summer before they can spend. Living on the never, never with extended business loans and the interest rates creeping up is killing them. If they don’t get champions league football it will make life even more difficult for them. Lovely stuff.

Assuming we get that far, whichever member of the hateful 8 finishes fifth in the league will be praying for a City victory in the champions league (unless we are playing Arsenal).

Which appeals to my sense of the ironic, if nothing else.
If a club has to sell players quickly to meet ffp they must have not looked after their finances too well. Complying with psr is totally within the control of the owners (hence why man utd and chelsea sound like they are in the shit)

If only life were that simple .... many things can happen that make assumptions invalid that were valid just a few months earlier.

And don't forget you can have a club that manages its finances perfectly well but struggles with the false construct that is FFP for a particular rolling period. On the bright side, the whole thing is about to come crashing down (before it affects United, of course). What we need now is for UEFA to start issuing Champions League sanctions for failing their FFS. That would put the cat amongst the pigeons :)
I understand that view but football will become really boring if it's just the red tops +1 and City.
Completely agree. This ‘they voted for it, fuck them’ isn’t going to solve anything.

Plus, Villa didn’t. Does that make them the good guys all of a sudden? But their chairman at the time has now gone. Does that change things? But then so has Everton’s. Does that change things there too?

It’s an unsustainable four legs good, two legs good argument.
Completely agree. This ‘they voted for it, fuck them’ isn’t going to solve anything.

Plus, Villa didn’t. Does that make them the good guys all of a sudden? But their chairman at the time has now gone. Does that change things? But then so has Everton’s. Does that change things there too?

It’s an unsustainable four legs good, two legs good argument.
Shouldn't some of the legs be bad?
What’s to stop Villa or any other club selling forward future ticket revenue just as farcelona did? How by the way did farce get away with all the tricks they played with no comeback on the bankrupt cunts by uefa or la liga? How did they get away with bribing refs? It’s so fucking corrupt

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