Joey Barton

The thing is if you get upset with what people put on social media it’s quite sad. It means fuck all. Let people say what they want, who gives a flying fuck. More important things in live to worry about. . Don’t click on it, don’t copy and paste, ignore it. It really is simple.

Racism is always upsetting, regardless of where it is shown.
How have we allowed a society that tolerates people like Barton? Social media is something that really shouldn’t exist
because gobshites make the most noise and normal people cannot be arsed with them.

social media ha just allowed them to be heard where vefore they sat at home mumbling to themselves or in a corner of a pub.
because gobshites make the most noise and normal people cannot be arsed with them.

social media ha just allowed them to be heard where vefore they sat at home mumbling to themselves or in a corner of a pub.
I genuinely think it has contributed to the selfish narcissistic behaviour that permeates society today. It’s wreaking havoc on kids mental health and is utilised in a completely immoral fashion by industry to sell shite no one needs. That’s before you factor in it being the perfect platform for spreading hatred or dangerous views in the name of free speech.
He has become irrelevant, seen the right wing grift and jumped on it. Waiting for GB news or the like to employ him as he's too shit for anythjng else.
This isn’t ok really is it. He’s gone full BNP level racist mode.

Was obvious from day one. He's already tried the "there's too many black players in the England team" line.
The sooner we realise as a nation that the likes of Barton, Farage, Morgan, etc. are just grifting hardworking people by winding them up the sooner we can start fixing society and actually trying to make things better.

If Barton actually believed any of the shite he was writing about female pundits then it'd be worth debating him on it, but the truth is he knows his career in football is over so he's pivoted to GB News/InfoWars topics in a bid to make a name for himself over there. He did the same thing about 10 years ago, just on the other side of the political spectrum. He made all this noise about how he was reading books now, wearing suits and round glasses, came out in favour of same-sex marriage, all that stuff. That died a death on Question Time when he exposed himself as the same thick bastarding troglodyte he's always been so he tried to get back into football.

He made a decent go of lower-league management and probably could have made a nice career for himself if he'd stuck it out, but it's clear these days that the real money - a regular stream of income that doesn't come with the pressure of football management - is just raging against anything perceived as "woke" and becoming a rent-a-gob representative of curtain twitchers and football hooligans everywhere. You can see it in his tweets that he's just seeing how far he can go before he gets "cancelled" (hence the Fred & Rose West tweet) and then he can spin that into a book deal, TV spots, etc. etc. He's already been on Piers Morgan's TalkTV show, hasn't he?

When he's got as much attention as he can from female pundits he'll move on to something else. "Women's football shouldn't be on the BBC" or "Gay footballers should stay in the closet" will probably be next. Then he'll see if he can get away with suggesting that "There aren't enough English lads coming through at Premier League academies" and if that goes down okay he might test a quick "There's too many black players in the England team" line. He won't believe any of it, he's just another Clarkson type who gets paid to pretend he's angry about something.

There's a whole industry for it and social media has given them all too much oxygen.

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