British jihadists killed in RAF drone strike

Does anybody remember the news last year, US intelligence and a few other countries discovered a plot involving an ISIS "Trojan Horse" where they were plotting to get hundreds of thousands of ISIS members into Europe by disguising themselves as refugees. Remembered last night it being on BBC News last year
There was a clip on Sky doing the rounds on Facebook about it
Does anybody remember the news last year, US intelligence and a few other countries discovered a plot involving an ISIS "Trojan Horse" where they were plotting to get hundreds of thousands of ISIS members into Europe by disguising themselves as refugees. Remembered last night it being on BBC News last year
Yes, but this is, apparently, groundless scaremongering.
I think peoples fear of offending and being labelled a whatever-ist gets in the way of common sense sometimes. Im very much left leaning but it pisses me off when people take it too far and ignore whats staring them right in the face.
I remember i was caleld racist in New York because i didnt want to cut through an alley because it had 5 dodgy fuckers down there who just happened to be black. Had fuck all to do with race, it was the fact it was 5 drugged up nutcase looking fellas down an alleyway and i didnt fancy getting mugged. But i was still called racist and accused of adhering to negative stereotypes.... No. Im a human being and we have survival instinct. Its ok to be wary sometimes.
If you can't see the difference between those bastards who beheaded Rigby and a politician with the attorney generals legal approval taking out known terrorists plotting to kill innocents not to mention already involved in killings then I can't help you

If you were upset about de Menzies or David Kelly I would be right with you, bringing a government to task is important, however in this case I am more than happy to take their word for it, I don't even care if they are making things up but I very much doubt it, try to figure out Cameron's motive for this and you will find your answer

If you found out that these guys were killed, not because they were involved in any plot here, but to discourage other British citizens joining them, that would be OK with you?
Does anybody remember the news last year, US intelligence and a few other countries discovered a plot involving an ISIS "Trojan Horse" where they were plotting to get hundreds of thousands of ISIS members into Europe by disguising themselves as refugees. Remembered last night it being on BBC News last year

See this is the part I don't get. ISIS are currently in control of many towns, cities and villages in Syria. They're continually campaigning for 'candidates' from the UK and elsewhere to join them in Syria.

Why would they weaken their stance in Syria by sending infiltrators disguised as refugees all over Europe, in turn lowering their numbers and weakening their position in Syria?

It's up to each government in the EU to screen each individual who comes in to whichever country. Properly. If the government are not capable of that, then that's where the problem lies.

We CANNOT refuse to take our fair share of refugees in fear that our own government are unable to carry out a proper screening and monitoring process and allow some ISIS infiltrators through the net.
Because secret judgements made in hidden courts are a fucking stupid idea?
What would be a stupid fucking idea is letting the world know how MI5, MI6 and GCHQ operate, putting agents' lives in danger and compromising all of the work being done by those agencies. Intelligence gleaned from sources such as these has to remain away from immediate scrutiny, or their very existence is pointless.
It appears that the PM acted on information that an attack, or attacks were being planned and instigated from Syria, almost certainly by the people killed by this drone, to thwart them, this action was taken.
The action was approved by the attorney general as lawful self defense.
Because secret judgements made in hidden courts are a fucking stupid idea?
I know it isn't ideal and it isn't something you would want to happen more often than necessary but is it not a matter of sometimes being a "necessary evil"? Who knows who or what could be compromised by releasing details?

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